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Ella woke up next morning, got ready, and went down stairs for the breakfast.  

"You've got a lot of time before your next training session, you can practice with Amber till then. But meet me at the back side of the palace in afternoon. I've got some business to deal with, I'll see you later." Thomas said to Ella and left the table. 

Shortly afterwards, Ella and Amber went out in the front lawns to practice. Ella now knew what Nate had meant by saying 'You'll be unlucky to fight a water base user if there is water around you.'

There were ten fountains in the garden, and Ella was very poor at dodging Amber's moves and what was worse, she could shape the water by solidifying it in pointy crystals. After some time Ella was laying on her back, wet from head to toe and panting hard. 

''Its okay, it seems difficult in start. But you'll get good at it.'' Amber said offering Ella her hand to help her get up.

''Good seems a far off non existing heaven to me.'' Ella mumbled.

''No Ella, once you get a hold on yourself it will be very easy. I'm sure you can do it.'' Amber encouraged her.

Meanwhile Thomas came and Ella left with him to meet Nate. As always Nate was already present at the usual place. He smiled when he saw Ella approaching. They greeted each other with hello's and hi's till Ella remembered something.

''You are supposed to answer some questions of mine from yesterday.'' Ella reminded Nate.

''What questions?'' Nate glared at Ella as though trying to make her understand something. ''Hey, there's a twig in your hair.'' he said and stepped forward till he was really close to Ella, and then whispered,

''Not now.'' he gave a quick glance at Thomas who was looking into far distance. ''There all set.'' he said so that Thomas won't get suspicious tucking Ella's hair behind her ear.

''Can we move on if your meeting greeting is over?'' Thomas asked bored.

''Alright lets go.'' Nate said and they started moving deeper in the woods. Once they had set their protective spells, Nate started the lecture, ''Now that I have told you the weaknesses its time to learn to control every base.''

''But Nate, today I was practicing with Amber and I was horrible at it and I couldn't defeat Thomas yesterday. I couldn't even block her moves.'' Ella said disappointed in her self.

''That is why you need to learn to control other bases.'' he smiled.

''Nate its impossible to control a base that is not in your blood. Then how am I suppose to do it?'' Ella asked.

''It doesn't actually mean that you will control them. You will just have to change their direction and shape.'' Nate replied. When Ella gave a blank look then Nate explained more thoroughly, ''Wind can change the direction of anything, Ella. If water in a stream is flowing straight wind can change its direction to left or right or even backwards. Sharp and strong blows of your power can cut through the toughest rocks and grounds. Your powers can encourage fire to spread rapidly, blow it out or change its direction.''

After listening to what she could do, Ella's eyes glimmering with excitement. ''Would I be able to do all those amazing things?'' Ella said not believing what she was hearing.

''Yes. But you have to be strong enough to control yourself.'' he said. ''The most easy way to control your powers is to give them a shape.''

''I've already given it shape... you know, the tornado.'' Ella said confidently.

''Yes but that was a small step. What I mean is you have to give it the shape of an animal. The animal it takes shape of, the user has the similar traits to it. For example,''

SAVIOR AND SURVIVOR #wattys2017 (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now