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Ella spotted Amber sitting at a table and went over to join her, they started talking but were soon interrupted by Princess Elizabeth. She joined them in conversation.

''So, how long have you known Eric?'' she asked Ella.

''We met for the first time today.'' Ella replied simply.

''But it seems he is growing fond of you and rather very quickly.'' Elizabeth said staring at a glass in front of her.

''Really? I didn't notice such thing.''said Ella not giving a second thought to the matter while she sipped the drink from her glass.

''If you'll excuse me, I've just spotted an old friend of mine.'' Elizabeth said and left the table.

''Oh, how I wish it was someone else with Eric instead of her.''  Amber said shaking her head.

''Why? Whats wrong with her?'' Ella asked.

''I don't like her at all. She just wears that fake smile all the time but she's just an attention seeker. I think she's with Eric just because he belongs to the best kingdom.'' Amber replied bitterly.

"Everything happens for a good reason, so let it be." Ella shrugged.

"I don't know what he saw in her but now he's getting tired of her tattles. But, whatever. As you say, let it be." Amber said resting her chin on her hand.

Amber started twirling her finger and Ella noticed that silvery white butterflies were circling around her finger. 

''Hey, Ella I never asked you what your base was.'' Amber popped the question suddenly out of no where.

Base was the main element that a royal person could control along with some natural and all the artificial things. There were four bases fire, water, earth and wind. Amber's base was water just like Queen Miranda's. They could control water and other liquids at will.

''My base is wind.'' Ella replied.

Amber looked at Ella and said ''That's a very rare base. How much have you mastered it?''

''Well..... um.... I'm kind of not allowed to use my powers. Mother forbade me because last time when I used my powers something terrible happened, I don't want to talk about it and that means I haven't mastered even quarter of my powers yet.'' Ella replied trying not to look at Amber but she could feel the color rising in her cheeks.

For a royal member it was the most shameful thing that they could not use their powers.

''Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that.'' Amber replied trying to hide the surprise in her voice but Ella noticed it and said ''Don't be sorry, you never knew about it.''

''Hey look Eric's coming.'' Ella said looking over Amber's shoulder.

''He is not in a good mood I think.'' Amber said noticing his expression.

When he reached the table Amber asked ''Eric, whats wro-'' her sentence dropped in the middle as he spoke directly to Ella.

''What did you say to her?'' he asked.

''Say what to whom?'' Ella asked blankly.

''To Elizabeth. What did you tell her?'' he asked again.

''Eric she said nothing and that is not the way to speak to a guest.'' Amber jumped in.

''I'm not talking to you Amber.'' he snapped at her.

''You told her that I am cheating on her?'' It was more like a statement than a question.

''What?! What are you talking about Eric, I don't understand!!'' Ella replied flabbergasted.      

"If you think talking to you in a nice manner means that I'm flirting or trying to make a none existing relation with you then you are highly mistaken. I don't know why you women think so narrowly. " he said through gritted teeth. "If you have everything in your life but still somethings exist that you can never own and if you try to get them you will always fail.

"I didn't say any-" Ella tried to speak but her sentence was run over by Eric.

"If you really think that way then you are the most ignorant, selfish and arrogant person I have ever met. I never expected anything like that from you!" he finished his sentence leaning over the table and pointing straight at Ella's face. His voice was barely higher than a whisper but he looked pretty scary.

"Eric that's enough! I don't want to hear a single word from you now!" Amber said rising from her chair and standing protectively in front of Ella.

Poor Ella she was so shocked from the sudden misunderstanding that she couldn't speak a single word in her defense.

Now tears were welling in her eyes due to Eric's cruel words. She got up silently and headed towards the palace doors.

"Ella! Wait he didn't mean anything he said!" Ella heard Amber calling after her. But as soon she got out of the palace doors she started running, running away from this place. 

"Well done, Sir Hot Head." Amber remarked sarcastically.

Eric's echoing words in her head had blinbed her so much that she didn't even know where she was going.

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Very rude Eric very rude.

Have a nice day, everyone.

SAVIOR AND SURVIVOR #wattys2017 (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now