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After the turn of events with Thomas, Ella went to her room and waited for time to pass so that she could continue her training. All the time in her room, she thought about what Thomas had said, what was so bad about being with Nate that she was not allowed to meet him? Why would someone kill her if she was discovered with Nate? What was happening around her? Why were they hiding so many things from her?

She thought about all of these questions all the time but unluckily got none of them answered. She knew if she would ask someone they will never reply the questions that were eating her up from the inside.

A knock on the door pulled her out of the never ending chains of questions, the door opened and James peered in and said: ''Come Ella, you should start your practice now.'' Ella nodded and followed her brother out of the room.

''You will be training me?'' Ella asked half way towards the front lawns.

''Yes, Thomas said he will help too.'' James replied.


The training started after noon and it was almost midnight when Ella finished the last part completely. She missed the dinner but Queen Harriet said that she could have her dinner in bed. 

Ella reached her room every inch of her body screaming in pain. She decided to take a long bath so she headed for the bathroom. After the bath she wore a silk night dress and exited the bathroom. Janet, her personal maid, was already in the room placing the tray of food on her bed.  

''Thank you Janet.'' Ella said brushing her hair.

Janet bowed and said: ''My Lady, Prince Thomas said that you come to his room, he wants to have a quick word with you before you sleep.'' with that she bowed again and left the room.

Ignoring the hunger and tiredness after the long day, she went out of her room towards Thomas' room. She knocked once and the reply came from the other side: ''Enter.'' Ella entered the room to see Thomas standing by the large window looking at the night sky. Moonlight, as though had special effect on his skin, his pale face reflected the light coming from the moon and looked like marble, and on the other hand his grey eyes twinkled like the billions of stars shining in the sky.

''You wanted to have a word, Thomas?'' Ella asked stepping forward so that the light coming from the window exposed her and separated her from the darkness of the room, as no candles were lit in his room.

''Hmm.'' was his reply as he turned away from the window.

''Well... What is it then?'' Ella asked hesitantly remembering Thomas' behavior previously this day.

''Lets just go straight to the topic,'' he said and Ella raised her eyebrows as a sign for him to continue. ''While meeting this Nate person, I found out that he is not a bad guy after all.''

''You see, I told you so.'' Ella said finding the courage to say something. But Thomas raised his hand to quieten her and he continued.

''So I've decided, that you can go meet him for the training sessions. But, as I was afraid for anyone finding out, so I asked our parents to be with you anywhere you go, so they don't have to ask anyone else to keep an eye on you.''

''Thank you so much, Thomas, thank you for not telling anyone about this.'' Ella said with a pure smile. Thomas nodded and said:

''He told me how you contact each other, he will send me the letters and the two of us will go to the place he will mention in the letter.''

''Two of us? You will come too?'' Ella asked confused.

''Yes it will look less suspicious if by any means we are discovered. And as for the letter I got one today, he said to come to the same spot tomorrow where the two of you meet always.''

 ''Fine,'' Ella replied at last taking in the present situation. ''But I think it means I can have my lessons with him at any time in the day because you will be with me. Am I right?''

''You understand situations quickly, I admire that ability. You can go now.'' he said and Ella left his room feeling as though a lot of weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she smiled to her self and went to her room.

She quickly finished her dinner and went to the balcony to feel some cool wind before she went to bed. She stood close to the marble railing and looked at the stars that shone above her, taking in the coolness of the night. Suddenly, she had this weird feeling as though someone was watching her from the shadows. She looked down in the garden for any sign of movement but thought she was imagining things. Then she caught glimpse of something or someone standing at the end of the woods. She tried to take in the outline of the person or thing what ever it was, but the darkness of night made it very difficult. But as the clouds uncovered the moon she saw what it was,

There was a man standing, his hands behind his back, and he had shoulder length jet black hair and he was looking.... STRAIGHT AT HER! She was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the stranger. Slowly the man turned his back on her and moved back into the woods.

Ella was too shocked and scared to go and see what was going on, she hurried back in her room and locked the balcony door and went straight to bed, still thinking who was that man and what was he doing here and why was he looking at her.


Hello friends, hope you all are fine. I hope you liked the chapter I wroteHope you love my story and support it. Take care everyone.

All the love<3<3<3

SAVIOR AND SURVIVOR #wattys2017 (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now