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Ella woke up early in the morning and headed downstairs in the royal hall for breakfast. She wasn't surprised to see her parents and aunt and uncle already at the table.

''Good morning.'' she said merrily and kissed her father and got three good mornings in return (excluding her mother).

''Someone's up really early.'' her father smiled looking at her. 

Ella took a seat across the table in front of her father and they all started talking. After a few minutes Aston, Eric and Thomas came down in the hall and joined them at the table.

''Where are James and Amber?'' Queen Harriet asked. Aston muttered something under his breath. ''Something you want to say dear?'' she asked Aston.

''Oh nothing I was just saying how beautiful you look this morning.'' Aston replied giving a cheeky smile to her aunt.

Queen Harriet laughed and said ''Oh you are so sweet Aston.''

''I better go check on them.'' Ella said and left the table.

She knocked at Amber's door there was no reply. She entered the room, her bed was like it was not slept in. So she went at James door and knocked a couple of times, not willing to enter the room afraid of what she might see. But still she took a deep breath and entered his room. She took a sigh of relief to see them fully dressed. She went up to James and said,

''Wake up James! Wake up now! Before they send the maids to your rooms!''

Amber stirred beside him and rested her head on James' chest and said sleepily ''What? Its morning already?''

James opened his eyes looked at Ella and drifted back to sleep. ''WAKE UP LOVE BIRDS! Everyone is at the table! Ella almost shouted.

''Alright, alright we are coming.'' Amber replied suddenly jumping from the bed.

Ella went back at the table, breakfast was already served. She sat two seats away from Eric. ''They are coming.'' Ella informed sitting in her chair and pulling a plate of bacon and fried eggs towards her. After a while James and Amber came down at the table and both mothers started giving them long lectures.

Throughout the breakfast Eric gave Ella short glances which she completely ignored. But finally losing her patience she asked.

''Anything you need Eric? Or is there something on my face?''

Eric simply shook his head not looking at her again.

''I'm sorry for what he said to you last night.'' Amber whispered to Ella quietly.

''You should not be the one apologizing for someone else's deeds. Anyway it doesn't matter anymore.'' Ella said concentrating on her plate.

''Elizabeth is like that. She takes really selfish steps to make sure that the things that belong to her remain her's only. I hope he apologizes for what he said.'' Amber further explained and Ella just nodded in response.

''What's that noise?'' Aston said looking up from his plate.

''What noise?''Thomas asked.

''That tapping noise.'' Aston said with an irritated tone.

Then everyone heard a soft sound 'tap tap tap'. They started looking around.

''There! At the window.'' Amber pointed out.

Ella looked at the window and gasped in excitement. She ran towards the window and opened it. Then inside came a bird - or at least it looked like a bird - made of paper. Ella held the paper and laughed at it in both in excitement and the way it was folded. Ella quickly unfolded the paper bird but before she could read it James asked,

"Who sent it?"

"A friend of mine." Ella replied smiling to herself.

"Edward?" he asked again.

"Yes." was Ella's reply. She said it without thinking what she was saying.

Edward was Ella's ex lover but no one knew that they were no longer together because he after sometime told her that he was no longer into the relation they were having and he felt like he was forced to love her. It did hurt her in the beginning but eventually came over the heart break. 

The moment that word fell out of her mouth Eric got up from his chair and left the hall. Ella took no notice of him and started reading the letter to herself. It read:

Dear Ella,

                   I hope you are fine. I just wanted to inform you about your first lesson. Meet me at the back side of the palace at midnight. Looking forward to see you and burn this letter as soon as you read it.

Yours truly,



Hello sweethearts! Hope you all are fine and

if not then I pray that your problems pass

quickly. So what do you think about my new

chapter? Vote if you like


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