Ezra's sick

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Ezra's pov

I woke up with a major headache. I also feel like I'm cold but hot at the same time.

Please don't tell me I'm sick. I can't be sick. The last time I was sick, I was on the streets. I usually never had enough money to get medicine so all I did was sleep.

Half of me doesn't want to tell the crew. Only because I don't want them to pity me or have to deal with me being sick. They have much better things to do than take care of me.

The other half of me knows either way they will find out I'm sick so no point in hiding it.

Wait what time is it? I check my alarm to see it is 4:30 in the morning.

Wow, my sickness must've woke me up early. Maybe I should take advantage of this and leave. I'll just go back to my tower and do what I usually do when I'm sick.

I'll write a note so they won't get worried, well if they get worried. I get off my bunk and grab a piece of paper and a pen.

Dear Kanan, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine,

I have decided to go to Capital City for a while to just clear my mind. I might be there for a few days. But don't worry I'll be fine.


Does that sound convincing? Hopefully it does. I didn't want to tell them where I was really going because I don't want them to find me.

I put the note on my bunk and exit my room quietly so I won't wake up Zeb.

I make it to the ramp and run to my tower.  I forgot about my illness and collapsed on the ground. I go into a coughing fit and start to shiver.

I was so close to my tower. It had to start now?!?!? Black dots form in my vision and I pass out.

Kanan's pov

"Ezra wake up, it's time for training." I say while knocking on his door. I'm surprised he's still sleeping. It's almost 10.

When the door opens, a cranky Lasat comes out. "He's not in here." Zeb says.

I go into the room to see Zeb was right. "Where is he?" I ask.

"Probably outside my room so will you excuse me." Zeb says getting back on his bunk.

I just shook my head. When I looked at Ezra's bunk, I noticed a note was on there. I read it to see that Ezra went to Capital City. Why would he go there?

I was brought out of my thoughts by Zeb's snoring. Ok for him, I'm not surprised.

I leave the room still wondering why Ezra left. He said he needed to clear his mind. Maybe I should go there to make sure he is ok.

"Hera, I'm going to Capital City for a little while." I say.

"Ok don't stay there too long." Hera says while repairing the Ghost.

"I won't." I say and head out. I get on my speeder and make my way to Capital City.

Time skip........

It's been an hour and I haven't found Ezra. Which is weird because I searched everywhere.

He must've lied about being here so I won't be able to find him. Now I know something must be wrong with Ezra.

The only place he could be now is his tower. I get back on my speeder and go to Ezra's tower.

Ezra's pov

I wake up with a wet rag on my forehead. Wait what?

I get up to see I'm in my tower. How did I get here? I could've sworn I was outside before I passed out.

I look to my side to see a glass of water and some fruit. Next to the water is pills. Ok someone was definitely here.

It was probably Kanan. Great, now he knows.

I stand up but fall back down. My legs started to hurt from the fall. I was about to try and get back up until I heard the door open.

Kanan, and by the looks of it, he looks extremely worried.

"Ezra, why did you lie about going to Capital City?" He asks right away.

"Because I didn't want you guys to know I was sick." I say. There was no point in lying.

"Why Ezra?" He asks in concern.

"I didn't think it was important. I didn't want to get in the way of anything." I say with my head down.

I suddenly felt a hand touch my chin lifting it up forcing me to look at Kanan.

"Ezra listen to me, your health is very important to us. We wouldn't care if we had to miss a mission to take care of you. We're family, we take care of each other." Kanan says.

I smile. "Thanks Kanan."

"No problem kid." He says and feels my forehead. "You feel extremely warm. We better get going back to the Ghost."

I nod and Kanan helps me up. "Oh and thanks for helping me out." I say.

He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"You know with the wet rag and everything." I say pointing to the items on the floor.

"That wasn't me." Kanan says and walks outside.

Wait........if Kanan didn't bring me here, who did?

"Ezra come on." Kanan says still outside.

"Coming!!!" I shout and run outside. Guess I'll find out sooner or later.

Time skip........

I was in my room on my bunk trying to rest. Kanan made sure I got medicine and was on the Ghost.

I'm still a little creeped out on who took me to my tower and gave me those stuff. Hopefully it was someone I know.

All of a sudden the door opens revealing Kanan. "Hey kid are you feeling better?"

"Yeah much better." I say. He comes over and kneels down next to me with more medicine.

I groan. "Really Kanan?"

"You're still technically sick even if you feel a little better." He says and hands me the pills.

I refuse again till I just decide to get it over with. I swallow the pill sorrowfully.

"Yuck. I always feel like I will choke when I have pills." I say.

Kanan chuckles. "Just get some more rest and your sickness will pass by quickly."

"Ok but one more thing." I say.

"What is it?"

"If you didn't bring me to my tower, then who do you think did?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything at first. I could tell he didn't know the answer either.

"I honestly don't know Ezra. Maybe it was someone you know who wanted to help you." Kanan says.

"That's what I'm hoping." I say.


"I don't know. So then I would know why they helped me." I say.

"We'll get into this later. But right now, you need rest." Kanan says pushing me back gently against my pillow.

I nod a close my eyes. I hear Kanan leave and I start to fall into a peaceful slumber.

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