Ezra's in Love!!!!

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Kanan's pov

As a master, I do my best to keep my padawan away from the dark side and teach him what he needs to know about being a Jedi.

But as a father.......that's where I need advice.

Ezra hasn't been acting like himself. He has been smiling a lot more and laughing. It's not a bad thing, but it's definitely not like him.

He also acts more cheerful and every once in awhile, I would catch him dazing off with a smile.

I'm afraid to ask him, only because he might not want to talk about.....whatever is happening to him.

So I asked Sabine......

"Why are you asking me about this?" Sabine asks me.

"You're his age, so I thought you might know what is causing Ezra to act differently." I say.

"I'm older than him." Sabine responds.

"Can you still give me some idea?" I ask her.

She sighs. "Hmmm......the more positive attitude, the daydreaming....."

That's when she gasps. I jump a little in surprise.

"What? What is it?" I ask with curiosity.

"I got it!!! Ezra's in love!!!" Sabine says.

My eyes widen. Ezra.......is in love? I find that hard to believe.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I'm positive. He shows all the symptoms. Well......all the symptoms I did at his age." Sabine says.

How could Ezra be in love and not tell me? But who he is in love with, is the real question.

"I should talk to him about it." I say and head to Ezra's room.

Ezra's pov

It had to happen at some point.......

Everyone has gone through this. Kanan and Hera go through it every day.

We all know they love each other!!!!! Why do they even hide it?!?!

This whole love thing started on our last supply run. We got our supplies from a girl named Leia, and we stayed in contact ever since.

I never told the crew because it wasn't a big deal at first. But each day we talked to each other, I started to fall in love with her.

Now, they are probably going to ask me questions about my behavior.

"Ezra, I was looking for you." Kanan says when he sees me in the common room. "I wanna talk to you."

I stand corrected......

"What about?" I ask him.

"About you being in love." He says.

My eyes widen in surprise. How did he find out? I tried to hide it well. Ok, the daydreaming was a little obvious.

"Oh." Is all I could say.

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