New Academy Trouble pt. 4

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Ezra's pov

"Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Sarah, this is Ally, Jade, Beth, and Millie." Sarah says introducing everyone.

"Wait Millie? Aren't you Matt's sister?" I ask her.

"Yeah, he wouldn't let me join his club, so I won't let anyone join his club!!!" Millie shouts in an angry voice.

Wow, she's just as crazy as her brother.

"Calm down, you are scaring the guest." Ally tells Millie.

"Yeah, look how upset he is. He's as blue as a blueberry." Beth says.

I face palm, so does all the other girls.

"Beth, blue is his hair and eye color." Sarah says.

"Really? His hair is more of a navy blue color." Beth says touching my hair.

I push her hand away. "Please don't touch me. I already had enough craziness today."

Beth was going to say something, but then closed her mouth. I could tell she was going to ask me what happened today. She probably realized one of the crazy events today involves her and the girls taking me here......This is the worst.

"Let's just start the club already. I'll hand everyone a piece of cake." Sarah says.

Cake..........ok things aren't so bad here anymore.

Kanan's pov

We got the location of the academy and are now half way there.

"Did we really need to go there with the ghost?" Zeb asks.

"Yes, just in case things get really bad there, we need to leave as fast as we could." Hera says.

I tried to contact Ezra on his comm, but there was no signal. That meant Michael jammed the signal, or his academy wifi connection is terrible.

"Where are we going?" Sabine asks entering the control room.

"We didn't tell you? We are saving Ezra from Michael who is holding him hostage in his evil academy." I say.

Hera rolls her eyes at me. "Michael took Ezra to tour his academy in a forceful way and won't give him back till tomorrow. So we are getting him back today."

Sabine's eyes widen. "Michael has Ezra? Wait, why can't we just wait till tomorrow?"

"Why would we? Who know what terrible things they are doing to him now." I say starting to get worried again.

"Kanan, Ezra has been to an academy before with the Empire for a mission that was tough." Sabine says. "What could those force sensitives be doing to him when they are just giving him a tour?"

Ezra's pov

"Will you marry me, Ezra Matt Bridger?" Millie asks me with a ring made out of candy.

"First of all.......that's not my middle name. That's your brother's name. Second......sure because they won't give me another piece of cake if I don't." I say.

She then puts the ring on my finger and everyone applauds. She tried to lean in to kiss me, but I put my hand to her face and push her away.

"We'll kiss on our wedding day." Millie says blowing me a kiss.

I roll my eyes. "Let's get married on February 30."

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