Staying Awake

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Kanan's pov

Right now I am on my bunk trying to sleep. But something is preventing me from sleeping.

Today was a restless day. We fought the Empire's deadly attacks without having a chance to even lay down. I have been exhausted, but now I am not even tired.

That's when my eye lids finally start to drop from tiredness and I drift off into a peaceful slumber.

But that peaceful slumber didn't last long.

"AHHH!!!!" I hear someone shout.

My eyes widen and I fall off my bed. Now I am wide awake.

That scream sounded like.....Ezra.

"Ezra?!?!?" I shout rushing out of my room.

I barge into his room to see him thrashing around on his bunk sweating like crazy.

I immediately go to his side with a worried face.

"Ezra what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"It hurts!!! Make it stop!!!" He shouts.

"What hurts?" I ask.

That's when he starts gasping and wheezing.

"Can't........breath...." Ezra says and starts coughing.

My eyes widen. I pick him up and run to the med bay. I lay him down on the bed and quickly put an oxygen mask on his nose and mouth.

By now, Ezra was unconscious.

I tried to wake him up, but he stayed still. I was panicking and beyond terrified.

I'm going to need to bring him to a hospital.

I was about to carry him and rush to a hospital, till I heard the rest of the crew come in with worried expressions on their faces.

"What's going on?" Sabine asks looking at Ezra.

"He can't breath and something is hurting him." I say.

Hera then goes to Ezra's side and takes a look at him. Her eyes widen when she touches his chest for a heartbeat.

"His heartbeat is slowing down. There is nothing I can do to fix this. He needs to go to the hospital now." Hera says.

That's when I pick Ezra up and quickly run out of the ghost. They try to keep up with me while running through the fields, but all I care about is making sure Ezra is ok.

We make it to Capital City and luckily there is a hospital. I go inside almost being blinded by the white bright room.

"He needs help!!! Please!!!" I shout still holding Ezra.

Immediately, a doctor approaches me. "What's his condition?"

"He woke up with something hurting him and was having trouble breathing." I say looking at Ezra still with the oxygen mask on him.

"Follow me." The doctor says and we rush Ezra to a room.

When we reached the room, I lay him down on the bed while multiple doctors come in and check Ezra.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to leave." One of the doctors says.

I shake my head. "No I won't leave him."

"You need to leave so we could see what's wrong with him or he will die." He says.

My eyes widen. Tears start to run down my face. I then decide to leave the room and wait for answers on my padawan.

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