Abuse pt. 2

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Ezra's pov

I couldn't go in my room again. I don't want it to happen again. Please don't let it happen again.

But since Kanan was suspicious before, I had to go in. I just pray to force I will sleep without him coming in again.

I keep tossing and turning on my bed not being able to sleep. I could feel through our bond that Kanan is asleep. But Ralph is not.

That's when I hear a dreadful noise that I wish I never heard.

The door opening.

I turn to my side facing the wall and shut my eyes so I could go to sleep and not feel any pain.

But that doesn't stop me from hearing the footsteps approaching me. My heart starts to beat to a level it shouldn't be beating that fast.

I then feel a hand touch me and I have to muffle my shouts so Kanan won't hear.

That's when the tears come down, begging for all of this to stop. Please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop.

Time Skip

Kanan's pov

I woke up to the sound of someone making breakfast. I get off Hera's bunk and head to the kitchen.

I walk in to see Ralph making eggs and bacon.

"Hey Ralph." I say.

He turns to me. "Hey Kanan. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good. I've slept in Hera's bed before so I'm used to it." I say but then immediately cover my mouth.

Ralph looks at me confused. "Have you and Hera slept together before?"

"What?!?! No!!!! We only.....well I....don't tell Ezra." I say.

Ralph nods and continues cooking. Speaking of Ezra, where is he?

"Is Ezra still asleep?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Probably."

I then get up and go to Ezra's room. When I opened the door, he isn't in there.

I decide to look in my room for him. I open my door and still don't see Ezra.

But what's strange to me, is that my room doesn't look like it's been used. Ralph's stuff isn't here or anything. He has been here for over a month now.

I put that to the side and continue my search for Ezra.

When I go to the ramp, I finally see Ezra. He was sitting on the ramp with his knees pressed to his chest dazing off at the distance.

I walk towards him. "Ezra?"

He doesn't say anything. I can't see his face, but I see enough to know he is feeling depressed.

I put my hand on his shoulder. That gets his attention because he flinches. Ezra glances at me, but then turns away.

I sit next to him. "Hey Ezra."

"Hey....." He whispers.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"Yeah....." Ezra says. I could tell by the way he said that, he is not ok.

"Ezra, please tell me what's wrong." I say. He continues to look down. "You could tell me anything."

"I know but...." He trails off.


"You......you wouldn't understand." Ezra says and gets up to leave.

"Wait Ezra." I say and try to stop him. But he already entered the ghost.

I sigh. Why won't he tell me? I now have no choice but to ask Ralph about this.

I walk into the kitchen to see Ralph eating some of the food he made. I sit next to him.

"Ralph, I need to talk to you about Ezra." I say.

His eyes widen but then go back to normal. "What about Ezra?"

"He seems depressed. He was never like this before we left to Hoth." I say in concern.

"Well.....he did have some.....bad nightmares." He says. I could tell he was hesitant in his words.

"Ezra would have told me about them. He has in fact told me his nightmares about his parents in the past." I say.

Ralph looks like he was about to say something, but continues eating. Maybe now is a good time to tell him something else.

"Also, have you been sleeping in my room?" I ask him.

"Yeah.....slept there the whole month and yesterday." He says.

"Really? Because I went in my room today, and I didn't see any of your stuff." I say.

I could tell Ralph didn't know what to say. I was about to question him again, till we heard a noise. It was coming from Ezra's room.

"Excuse me for a second." I say and head to his room.

I opened his door to see Ezra sitting by his desk while the lamp in his room kept going on and off without anyone touching it.

I was feeling Ezra's waves of sadness through our bond. He was doing this with the force.

"Ezra?" I say. He doesn't answer. He looks empty and soulless. "Ezra snap out of it."

I shake him gently and his eyes widen while the lamp breaks.

He then sprints out of his room, straight into the bathroom.

"Ezra wait!!!" I call but he locks the door and leaves me alone confused.

I was going to go after him, till I saw something that caught my eye.

A shirt on the floor. I picked it up and examined it. It didn't look like a shirt Zeb and Ezra would have. It looked way too big for Ezra, and way too small for Zeb.

But what scared me the most, was that I saw Ralph wearing this shirt last night.

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