Crash Landing pt. 2

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Ezra's pov

I couldn't pinpoint what exactly was happening. Everything around me was dark. My eyes were definitely closed, leaving me confused in the darkness.

What is going on?

I groan as I touch my head, trying to rub the throbbing pain away. I was surprised I could even move at all. I felt something wet, even with my eyes closed, I could tell that wasn't a good sign. The small movement of my hands to my head, drained all my remaining strength. Now I just want to go back to sleep and not worry about the pain.


The voice sounds familiar. It was comforting to hear something instead of silence. But it would be even more comforting if I knew who it was.

"Ezra wake up...."

I groan again. I'm way too exhausted. Even though I want to see something other than darkness, my mind was telling me to keep my eyes close and go back into oblivion.

"Ezra please......Ezra wake up!!!"

The loud shout made me gasp and my eyes shot open, making my head hurt even more.

I look around with a blurry vision. I couldn't make out anything at first. I smelled something burning, like when Sabine usually makes popcorn for all of us and completely burns it. Kanan would usually force us to eat it after to not make Sabine feel bad that she ruined the popcorn.

Except I knew there was no popcorn being made now. The thought of food makes me hungry in a second.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to my side and see a blurry figure staring at me, worried. I blink my eyes a couple of times and finally see that its Kanan.

"Kanan?" I say weakly and then start coughing like my lungs were on fire.

I keep coughing like someone was choking me, till I finally stop and take in deep breaths.

"You scared the force out of me, kid." Kanan says. "You wouldn't wake up for awhile."

I finally got a closer look at Kanan. His clothes were ripped up. One of his legs had a big blood stain but didn't look serious. His face had a couple of bruises and cuts. His injured hip looked worse. The bandages were gone, replaced with a piece of his clothing. But the clothing was covered in blood.

"Are you ok?" I ask trying to sit up, but failing at the process.

"I'll live. But you, I'm more concerned about." He says.

I was confused for a second till I looked at myself. My clothes weren't ripped at all and there was no blood. Maybe a few scratches, but I was fine.

Fine turned into awful.

My head started pounding like crazy. My hands went back to my head, holding it in pain.

"What's.....what's happening to me?" I ask in fear.

"It looks like you have a concussion. You also have a deep gash in the back of your head." Kanan tells me.

My hands explore to the back of my head, feeling the same wetness from before, finally seeing bright red on my fingertips. But I also felt bandages.

I didn't even notice my head was wrapped in thick white bandages. We must've had some in the phantom. Wait.....

My gaze shifts to where exactly I am, and I was even more confused than before.

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