Mystery solved

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This is a going to be a chapter relating to the Ezra's Sick chapter to explain who helped Ezra out.

Ezra's pov

"What if it was Darth Vader?" I ask. Kanan rolls his eyes.

"Ezra, I'm pretty sure a Sith Lord wouldn't help you out." Kanan says.

"Oh yeah that makes sense." I say.

Ever since I was sick, the person who helped me to my tower is still unknown. Today I want to find out the truth.

"Was there anyone you knew that was kind to you?" Kanan asks me.

"No I don't remember anyone being nice to me on the streets." I say. "But maybe I could find out who were friends with my parents."

"You could, or maybe you could pretend to be injured or something and see if that person comes again." He says.

That does not sound like a bad idea.

"Yeah I could do that!!! Why haven't I thought of that?" I ask.

"Probably because I come up with the better ideas." He says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah sure you do."

Time skip

Kanan helped me before to put fake blood on my leg to pretend I was shot.

I told him not to come with me just in case the person didn't want to be seen by other people. Even though Kanan really wanted to come with me, he stepped back and let me do this.

The last place I was when the unknown person found me, was by my tower. I'll just fake to be unconscious till he/she comes.

I then pretend I'm getting dizzy and fall to the ground. I tried not to make it hurt that much, but I failed.

My legs hurt sooo bad right now.

Now all I have to do is wait..........





I've never been this bored in my life.

I'm starting to regret this whole idea. Me laying on a muddy ground pretending I'm unconscious from a fake shot wound while fake blood soaks my leg, is not sounding like the best plan anymore.

'I come up with the better ideas.' Kanan said.

Yeah give me a break Kanan!!!!

I was going to call it quits, till I heard footsteps. It sounded like someone was approaching me.

It's the person!!!!! What do I do?!? Should I still pretend I'm unconscious?!?!? Or should I see who it is?!?!? Well I definitely want to see who it is but when?!?!?

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt the person pick me up.

Well I can't open my eyes now. I'll just have to wait till he/she takes me to wherever he/she is taking me.

A few minutes passed and I suddenly hear a door open. It sounds like my door to my tower. I feel the person lay me down on the floor and touch my 'wounded' leg.

The person then gets up and I hear he/she going through my stuff. I hear it coming from my right side and that's where I keep my medical stuff.

Which is only bandages.

I think this is the right time to see who it is. I slowly open my eyes and look behind me. My eyes widen when I see who it is.

It is.......

Agent Kallus.

What is he doing here?!?!?!? He was the one who helped me out?!?!? No, he is probably just playing a trick on me. All I know is, I gotta get out of here.

I slowly lift myself off the ground and quietly walk towards the door. I was about to make it out till the door opened and made a noise.

Karabast.....I forgot doors do that.....

Agent Kallus turns to me and his eyes widen. I don't hesitate to run outside and out of my tower.

I make sure he isn't following me while running through the fields. When I see the ghost, I quickly get on the ramp and try to find Kanan.

"Kanan?!?! Kanan?!?!?" I shout till I bump into him.

"Woah Ezra what happened?" He asks in a concerned tone.

"I......Agent Kallus......he...." I say trying to catch my breath.

"Agent Kallus?!?! What did he do to you?" Kanan ask me extremely worried.

"He.....he was the one that helped me." I say.

Kanan looks at me confused. "He helped you?"

"Yes!!! Why would he do that?!?! We are enemies!!!! Are we?" I ask still confused.

"I don't know. Maybe Kallus has some warmth in his cold soul." Kanan says.

"Or.....he has some good in him." I say.

"Yeah that sounds easier." He says.

"So does this all mean he is on our side?" I ask.

"Possibly. We'll find out in the future." Kanan says.

I nod. But then my eyes widen. "Oh no.....I was so freaked out that I left Kallus in my tower!!!! Who knows what he will take!!!"

"Calm down Ezra. We will check tomorrow to see if anything is gone." Kanan says. "But right now, you should clean yourself."

I look down to realize my clothes are all muddy and my leg is covered with fake blood still.

"Oh yeah.......your plans really back fire a lot." I tell Kanan with a smirk.

"You're going to regret saying that. Come here!!!" He shouts chasing me.

We both continue chasing each other while laughing. Sooner or later, Kanan got filthy too and we both had to take showers.

At least I got another video of Kanan singing in the shower..........

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