Kanan's Dark Side

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Ezra's pov

It all happened so fast. One minute it was a simple supply run, then it turned into a battle against the grand inquisitor.

Kanan and I were the only ones who went on the supply run. So the inquisitor must've tracked down our force signatures or something.

While fighting, the inquisitor pushed me back with the force to a brick wall. Which REALLY hurt......

"Ezra!!!!" I heard Kanan shout.

I had trouble keeping conscious with the acing pain I felt in my head. It felt like it was throbbing, which was not good.

All I could do in my condition was helplessly watch my master and the inquisitor battle.

Kanan seemed a bit angry at the time. He probably didn't like how I was injured by the inquisitor. But the way Kanan was battling him made me think he thought I was dead.

I wanted to help him or at least get up but my legs were starting to hurt making it hard to stand.

That's when I suddenly felt cold. It made me think back to the time when I summoned a Frynock.....or just used the dark side. I don't know, I barely remember.

But what shocked me was that I was feeling the coldness in Kanan's force signature.

He was using the dark side!!!

"Well look what we have here. A Master Jedi using the dark side. Have to say it is making you powerful." The inquisitor said still clashing blades with Kanan.

Suddenly Kanan threw him on the solid ground and immediately put his light saber into his chest. Killing the inquisitor instantly.

I was beyond shocked. Killing is not the Jedi way. What was Kanan doing?

I then mustered the strength to stand up and slowly walked to him. He had his back to me gazing at the inquisitor's lifeless body.

"Kanan?" I say going closer to him. He doesn't move an inch. "Kanan what's going on?"

He then turns around revealing his eyes that were no longer green, only yellow. Kanan activates his light saber and starts to charge at me.

"Kanan no!!!" I shout taking out my saber and blocking his attack.

This isn't like him. He wouldn't turn to the dark side. He can't turn to the dark side. He can't!!!!

I put my saber away. "I won't fight you Kanan. Please come back I need you." I say.

But he doesn't listen. Kanan just gives me a blank expression and charges at me again. The only solution I came up with was to run.

I quickly climbed up to the top of a house while Kanan followed me. When we reached the roof, I tried to talk him out of this again.

"Please Kanan. I know your in there." I say while backing away from him.

He continues to walk towards me with his saber not saying anything. That's when Kanan pushes me off the roof with the force.

I stumble to the edge and hold on tight. "Kanan!!! Don't do this!!! Please!!!"

He walks towards me and grabs my hands that were desperately holding on to the edge.

I looked into his now yellow eyes not seeing any wave of emotion. I don't see my master or who I could call my dad. Just an empty soul about to kill me.

I start to cry. "Please Kanan. Please come back to me."

He doesn't listen to a word I say. He then let's go of my hands letting me fall off the roof.

Time seemed to slow down. I heard many shouts and cries. But I never heard the person I trusted my life with say a word. I didn't bother struggling out of this. I let myself fall to my death.

"I love you dad." Is the last thing I say in tears as I made my way down the rock solid ground.

Everything went black. Time completely stopped. I couldn't move, speak, or cry for the loss of the person I loved as a dad.

But the only thing I could do before death approached me, was feel the cold.

The cold from my master, my dad, the person who I thought loved me, but killed me.

One last tear slid down my cheek as my soul went out of my body.

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