New Academy Trouble

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Kanan's pov

After an hour long of training, I told Ezra to take a break.

He didn't hesitate to go back in the ghost. I could tell he was tired and wanted to go to sleep. I don't blame him, we were training much harder than the other sessions.

But Ezra has indeed gotten better. The only thing he needs to work on, is his timing on dodges.

Other than that, Ezra has improved way more than I did when training with my master.

I shake the memories of my master out of my head before I go into another flashback. I hate those, even though some were peaceful times. It will just make me miss her more.

Even though my master isn't here, she would be proud of me training Ezra. She might not approve of me having strong connections with him, but I will always take care of my padawan and not let anything happen to him.

"Kanan." I hear someone call behind me. I turn around to see Hera on the ramp of the ghost. "You have someone who wants to talk to you."

I look at her confused. "Who?"

"Just come inside and meet him." Hera says walking back in the ghost.

She looked kinda worried about something. I just ignore it for now and go inside to meet whoever is here.

When I enter the common room, there's a man sitting down next to Hera. He is wearing a cloak that covers most of his clothing. His hood is down so it shows his bald head and blue eyes.

"Hello, are you Kanan Jarrus?" He asks me while standing up. He had this kind of ascent that told me he was from another planet.

"Yes, and may I ask who you are?" I ask him.

"My name is Michael Heart. You should know me from the academy for force sensitives." He says.

There's an academy for force sensitives? I've never heard of it before.

"I never knew about an academy like that. Are you one of the mentors?" I ask.

"I'm the owner and leader of the academy." Michael says.

"Oh, what brings you here?" I ask him.

"I heard you have a padawan aboard on this ship, am I correct?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah. His name is Ezra Bridger." I say.

I don't know why, but I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this guy.

"How old is he?" Michael asks.

Why is he asking me questions about Ezra? "He's 15."

"Hmmm......that's interesting." He says with his hand on his chin.

I look at Hera with the same confused face before. She just keeps her head down.

"That's a good age for the academy." He whispers.

Michael better not be thinking what I think he's thinking.

"You're not thinking of taking Ezra away, are you?" I ask in a slightly angry tone.

"Not forever. Only for a few years till he reaches the stage of a Jedi Knight." He says.

That's when Hera steps in. "There's no way you are taking him."

"Look miss, force sensitives need to have the right training and a good setting with others like them. It's not good for someone like Ezra to not be apart of that." He says.

I glare at him. "If you're going to just come here and take my padawan to an unknown academy, then you might as well leave because there is no way he is going with you."

I'm beyond angry at this guy. He has a right to say Ezra shouldn't be here anymore? No way am I losing him to this strange man.

Michael sighs. "It's not good to waste padawans by keeping them away from-"

"If you say another word, I'll throw you off my ship." Hera says cutting him off. "Get out of here."

He then leaves the room. I sigh with frustrated.

"Who does he think he is?" I almost yell.

"I didn't like him either. But at least we got him to leave without Ezra with him." Hera says.

I nod. That was crazy. Why do I feel like everyone wants my padawan?

All of a sudden, we hear a noise from outside the door. I press the button to open it and Ezra drops to the floor.

"Uhhh hey guys......." He says nervously.

Hera and I share the same concerned glances.

"How much did you hear?" I ask right away.

"Everything." Ezra says with a frown. "Is that guy going to take me away?"

I help him up and put my hand on his shoulder. "There's no way we are going to let that happen."

Ezra smiles. "He sounded like a creep."

"Oh he was a creep alright." Hera says while smiling too.

"Is he never coming back again?" Ezra asks.

"We hope so." I say. "You don't have to worry about this Ezra. Nothing is going to happen."

He nods and leaves the room. I look back at Hera. "Michael did sound pretty serious before."

"I know. But if he tries anything, I have a spare blaster." Hera says.

I laugh. "Oh I know you do."

Hera and I were smiling on the outside, but in the inside, we are both worried about this. Just hearing that guy talk about taking Ezra to his academy made me extremely nervous.

But when I really think of it, Michael was kinda right. Ezra should be with others like him and experience the training he needs. I had that experience in my padawan years. Ezra could train with someone who actually finished their training.

Maybe it would be best I won't do that to him. I will never do that to him. Ezra is a major part of my life. I won't throw him away from the people who care about him, to people who only want to train him.

Ezra isn't going to that academy. That's all I need to say. I don't need anymore thoughts on this. He is staying with his family and not leaving us. No way am I losing my padawan when I already lost my master.

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