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Kanan's pov

I woke up in a haze hearing my alarm clock go off. I look at the time to see it is 11:30. Wait.......wasn't I suppose to wake up earlier for something? That's when my eyes widen remembering the mission.


I quickly ran out of my room to go into the phantom I was about to go up the ladder but then looked in the mirror next to me.

I am wearing no pants........

I then ran back into my room and slipped my pants on. I didn't bother to button it since I was late.

I went up the ladder with pants on this time and fired up the engines. Once I detached from the ghost, I laid back in my seat hoping Hera won't get mad at me for being late.

When I was almost to the base, I felt a little unease. Did I forget something? I was in a hurry to leave. But I already got the supplies ready last night so I didn't forget that. I'm sure it's just my nerves playing a trick on me. Hera will only care if we got the supplies and that me and Ezra are there.


Ezra's pov

I opened my eyes to find something feel off. Man I just woke up and I already feel like something isn't right. I look at my alarm clock and nearly fall off my bunk.

It's 12:00!!!!!

Kanan and I were suppose to be at that base by 8. Why didn't he wake me up? Maybe he's still sleeping too.

I make my way to Kanan's room and knock on his door. "Kanan wake up!!! We overslept!!! Hera's going to kill us!!" I shout still knocking. No answer.

That's when I decide to open the door. My eyes widen when I don't see Kanan here. Where is he? I decided to look all over the ghost.

I look in the common room, not there.

I look in the control room, not there.

I look in the kitchen, NOT THERE!!!!

I was about to look in the phantom but then saw it wasn't there. My jaw dropped when I realized the possibility.

He wouldn't.............ok maybe he would.

I CANNOT BELIEVE HE FORGOT ABOUT ME!!!!! Oh I see......he was mad at me for messing up during training and left me here on purpose!!!! So I didn't dodge a rock, SO?!?!?

I need a moment........

Ok I'm good.

Well this is just great, no one is here but me. one is here......but me. I start to smile. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now.

Time skip...........

I got every toppings I could find with my ice cream and set it on the table. This is going to taste soooo good!!!!

I start by putting on Oreos, cookies, and all kinds of candy I could find on my chocolate ice cream. I then put on crushed pop tarts. I grab the whipped cream next and swirl it on top with hot fudge topping it and chocolate sprinkles. And to finish it off, a cherry.

This is every kids dream........

I don't hesitate on stuffing my face into the sweet pile of heaven. The ice cream was so satisfying to eat. There is no such thing as "too much".

When I finished the whole thing, I immediately regret it. I rushed to the kitchen sink and threw up. I start to groan feeling pain in my stomach.

Ok maybe "too much" is a thing.......

When is Kanan coming back? It has been an hour. He should've been back by now.


I look around the kitchen and realize the mess I've made. The table is covered with my leftover toppings while the sink is filled with my throw up. Yeah not good......

I gotta clean this up before Kanan comes back!!!!!!

I grab all the washing materials I could find and get to work.

Kanan's pov

When I re-attached to the ghost, worry takes over.

What if something happened to Ezra while I was gone? Will he hate me for forgetting him?

I should really be concerned about my stomach that still hurts after Hera punched it. Let's just say she wasn't happy when I told her everything.

Hera told me to make sure Ezra is alright. When it comes to him in these situations, Hera goes into mother mode.

When I went down the ladder entering the ghost, I got nervous not seeing Ezra around.

"Ezra?" I say loud enough so he could hear me.

"Kanan!!! Help me!!!" I hear Ezra shout in the kitchen.

I didn't hesitate on rushing into the kitchen almost breaking the door open. When I look around for Ezra, I don't see him.

"Ahhh!!!!" Someone shouts behind me making me scream. I turn around to see Ezra laughing.

"Ezra!!!! Are you ok?!?!" I shout.

"I'm fine Kanan." He says still laughing.

"You scared me to death. I thought you were in trouble." I say out of breath.

"That's what you deserve for leaving me." He says. I sigh.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I was in a rush to leave and I forgot about you. Just please don't scare me like that again son. You almost gave me a heart attack." I say.

My eyes then widen after realizing what I said. Ezra luckily didn't even notice.


"Nothing how about I give you some ice cream to make up for it?" I ask.

Suddenly Ezra moans and holds his stomach. "I'm......not in the mood for ice cream." He says.

That's unheard of. Ezra loves ice cream. He would have it every day if Hera didn't stop him.

"Wait....." I look at Ezra's mouth that has chocolate on it. "Ezra Stan Bridger....."

"Seriously Kanan? That's not my middle name." Ezra says.

"You had ice cream. Wait until I tell Hera." I say.

Suddenly Ezra winces. "Owww my arm."

"What's wrong? It hurts?" I ask with concern.

"Yeah I fell on it while you were gone. I was here all alone I didn't know what to do. Wait until Hera hears about this." Ezra says with a smile.

I then realized where he was going with this. "You wouldn't......"

"I will."

I sigh. "I won't tell if you won't tell."

"Deal." Ezra says and we both shake on it.

Why does Ezra have to always out smart me?

Kanan and Ezra One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now