Please Forgive Me

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Ezra's pov

Today everyone except Kanan and I went on a mission. We were losing fuel so Hera, Zeb, and Sabine went to a place called Atollon to get more.

In the meantime, Kanan and I were training. Have to say it wasn't as exciting as Kanan said it would be. He made it seem like I would actually practice duel with him, but he just told me to try and lift something.

How fun........

"Focus Ezra." Kanan says for the millionth time. "Lift the weight."

I was hesitant at first to try and lift a weight. I thought it would be impossible and I would break my back.

Which would probably happen......

After what felt like hours which was only a few minutes, the weight was levitations off the ground. I wanted to look at it, but I didn't want to lose focus.

"Good Ezra. Now lift it a little higher." Kanan says.

Even though I was tired already, I put in my remaining strength to lift it higher.

I could feel it getting higher, but Kanan didn't seem pleased.

"Little more......little more." He kept repeating over and over again.

I soon couldn't take it and dropped the weight on the ground. I sigh disappointed while Kanan seems frustrated.

"You could've focused more." He says.

"I tried my hardest to focus." I say.

"Well your way of focusing is one of the things you lack. The second is being a good student, which you aren't." He says angry.

That hurt.......

I try not to cry, but a few tears escape my eyes.

"Stop crying like a baby and grow up!!!" He shouts shoving me to the ground.

I look at Kanan with more tears in my eyes. I then get up and run into the Ghost. I was about to go into my room, but I decided the vents would be better and more private.

When I'm in the vents, I just start bawling my eyes out. Why would Kanan say that? Am I really a bad student? Or was he in a bad mood?

Questions keep lingering my mind till my eyes start to drop from tiredness. I stop fighting it and sleep.

Kanan's pov

Today is a really bad day for me. My head hurts and I think I might have a fever.

At training, I was at my worse. My head was killing me. It kinda made me angry. I decided to sleep on it and wait till Hera and the others get back.

I was only able to take a nap when I felt hungry. I got up from my bunk and went into the kitchen. There were only waffles so I took a few out.

The second after I cooked them, I immediately felt sick again. Maybe Ezra will want them. Wait where is Ezra anyway?

I leave the kitchen and go straight to Ezra's room.

"Ezra?" I say knocking on the door. I don't hear an answer back. I decide to go in.

When I open the door, Ezra isn't there. That's weird. I then look all over the ghost to not find him anywhere.

Where is he? The last time I saw him was at training.

All of a sudden the memories came back in a flash of me shoving Ezra to the ground and saying mean things to him.

Oh no what have I done? Ezra probably ran away. I gotta find him and apologize.

I was about to leave the common room and head out to find Ezra, till I heard something. It sounding like someone was moving or just ruffling. I think it might be coming from the vents.

Wait........I see the vent door and open it. That's when Ezra falls out and I catch him.

"Ezra!!!" I shout thinking he's dead. Soon I realize he's just sleeping.

I sigh in relief. I then pick him up bridal style and carry him to his bunk.

Once I lay him down on his bunk, I start to run my fingers through his hair.

"Ezra I'm sorry for what I said. Your not a bad student. Your the best son....I mean student ever. Please forgive me." I whisper to his sleeping form.

I then kiss his forehead and leave the room. But before I left, I heard Ezra whisper, "I forgive you dad."

I smile and look at my son who soon went back into a peaceful sleep with a small smile.

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