Adjusting to Life Beyond the Streets

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Ezra's pov

This is my first night with the crew. I have to sleep in the same room as Zeb because there is no other rooms available.

I was hesitant about joining the crew because I am too used to being by myself and doing things on my own.

It's almost midnight and Zeb fell asleep instantly. His snores is the one thing that is keeping me up. But I'm also not used to sleeping on a bed.

I usually slept on the ground without any pillows or blankets. It was uncomfortable and cold at first, but I got used to it.

The last time I slept on a bed, was before my parents got taken away. That was years ago.

Now I'm on a bed. It's suppose to feel comfortable, but I don't want it to feel comfortable. If the crew ever abandons me, which they probably will, I could easily go back to being a street rat.

But I can't get used to all this stuff. Especially beds.

So I decide to sneak out of the room without waking up Zeb. I tiptoe to the common room and lay down on the floor.

I move around to get to a comfortable position and drift off to sleep.

Time Skip

Kanan's pov

I woke up to the sound of someone cooking breakfast.

I get off my bed and head to the kitchen. When I enter the room, I see Hera making eggs while everyone else is setting the table.

"Hey love, it's about time you woke up." Hera says. "Zeb even woke up before you."

"Ha ha very funny. I don't sleep that much." Zeb says.

"Yes you do." We all say. Zeb gives us a grumpy face and we all laugh.

Well everyone except for Ezra. He hasn't even said anything or looked at us. It must be because it's his first day here.

"How did you sleep Ezra?" I ask him.

"I slept fine." He responds.

Hera then starts to put food on our plates.

"You were up pretty early Ezra." Hera says giving him eggs.

"Yeah, I usually wake up early because I'm never really comf......I mean never really tired." Ezra says.

He sounded hesitant, but I put that aside for now.

"Last night I painted a masterpiece." Sabine says.

"When do you ever not make masterpieces?" Zeb asks and chuckles.

Sabine gives him a look but continues to tell us how she made it.

While she was explaining her work of art, I kept seeing Ezra only play with his food, but never eat it.

"I added a hint of purple an-"

"Ezra why aren't you eating?" I ask interrupting Sabine.

Everyone then puts their focus on Ezra seeing that he was in fact not eating.

"I....I am eating." He lies.

"Your eggs don't even look touched." Hera says with concern.

"Ok......I usually never had breakfast in the morning." Ezra says while looking down.

I look at Hera who has the same worried expression as I do.

"Why not?" Zeb asks.

"I never had money to buy food and my stealing methods wouldn't work sometimes." He says.

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