Happy Father's Day!!!!

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Kanan's pov

"Make sure you repair the shields, fix the engines, sort out the supplies in the cockpit and contact Commander Sato to update him on the income status." Hera tells me.

I stare at her with my mouth opened. "You want me to get this done today?"

"Yes love, we need it done by today." Hera says.

"I need at least one person to help me." I say.

"Ezra doesn't fully know how to repair anything, so you could ask him to contact Sato if you want." She says.

"But what about-"

"Sabine, Zeb, Chopper and I will be going on a supply run." She says cutting me off.

"Another supply run? Don't you think the people who read this chapter will get bored of that?" I ask her.

"Stop arguing. We'll be back in a few hours." Hera says and goes into the phantom.

I sigh. I better start now then.

"Hey Kanan."

I turn around to see Ezra looking more excited than usual.

"When did you get here? You know what, I don't have the time to ask that question. I need to get to work." I say and was about to walk away till Ezra stops me.

"Wait Kanan, do you know what today is?" He asks me.

"I think it's Thursday, why?" I ask.

He looks a little disappointed. "You don't know what today is?"

Suddenly my comm goes off.

"Make sure you get it done." Hera says through my com.

"Sorry Ezra, I need to get to work." I say and walk away from him.

I could tell he felt upset about something. I'll have to talk to him later.

Time Skip

It took 3 hours. But I finally finished. The hardest one out of all of them, was fixing the engines. I don't know the ship as well as Hera so I got confused with a few things.

Throughout those hours, I haven't seen Ezra once. It made feel bad about before. I still don't know what today is. Is it the day his parents got taken away? No, that's on Empire's day. That's also Ezra's birthday.

So what could today be?

While in the common room resting, Ezra steps in with a camera in his hands. But when he sees me, he tries to leave.

"Wait Ezra." I say and quickly grab his arm. "We need to talk......when did you get a camera?"

He quickly hides it behind him. "Uh not that long ago."

"You seemed pretty upset before. Does it have to do with what today is?" I ask him.

"Well...." Ezra starts. "It's just......today......I need to show you something."

I look at him confused. But I nod and follow him out of the common room and off the ghost. We walk through the alley for a few minutes till we reach Ezra's tower.

Before we enter, Ezra stops in front of the door looking a little nervous.

"Are you ready?" He asks me.

Kanan and Ezra One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now