Abuse pt. 4 Finale

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Camera footage

Ralph was in bed with Ezra. He was kissing him on the lips and neck. Ezra was pleading for him to stop with tears streaming down his face.

He only continued but worse.

Ralph started to passionately kiss him with his tongue. After that, Ezra passed out.

But Ralph didn't stop. He then started to unbutton Ezra's shirt and----

End of camera footage

Kanan's pov

I immediately turned off the camera, mortified of what I just saw. I can't see anymore of that. My son being forced to do that, is too unbearable to watch. I had to stop it there.

My jaw dropped the second I started that footage. How could anyone do that to a kid? How could someone I thought was my friend do this to MY KID?!?!?!

And to think, I was here sleeping while all of this was happening. I was away for a month and left Ezra with a monster.

I'm going to kill him. Ralph is dead. When I see him again, let's just say my saber will be through him.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the door open.

Ralph entered the room.

The second I saw him I immediately glared at him and tried my hardest not to punch him......yet.

"Hey Kanan what are you doing?" He asks.

"Just.....just watching some security footage." I say trying to not shout at him.

"There's security footage?" He asks looking nervous.

Oh he should be nervous.......

"Yeah but only in Ezra's room." I say.

Ralph's eyes widen. "Did you....watch it yet?"

"Yes I did......and let me tell you something......" I say getting up.

Not being able to hold my fist any longer, I punch him right in the jaw sending him to the ground.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO EZRA?!?!?!?" I scream at him. I completely lost it. My anger level risen to the point where I could kill someone.

That someone is Ralph.

Ralph was laying on the floor with a bloody mouth. That's what he deserves, but he deserves more than that.

"Padawans always need to be disciplined. That's my way of disciplining. You should be thanking me." He says.

I punch him in the stomach. Ralph growls in pain.

"Thank you?!?!?! If anything I should kill you!!!!!" I shout. "You caused so much pain and depression to Ezra!!"

"Why do you care? He's just a padawan." Ralph says.

I got so insulted, I started to force choke him.

"He's not a padawan, he's MY padawan!!!! But even more than that!!! Ezra is my son!!!! I will always care for him!!!!!" I shout.

Ralph was gasping trying to breathe. I was right there going to kill him. I was going to take all the air out of him and let him die slowly and painfully.

But I let him go and throw him to the wall.

Ralph starts coughing out blood while holding his throat. He should black out in a few minutes.

"But as his master, I need to make sure he stays in the light. Killing is not the Jedi way. I need to set a good example." I say. "You will not die yet, but I'll make sure you are put into custody for the rest of your life."

Kanan and Ezra One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now