Abuse pt. 3

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Ezra's pov

I locked myself in the bathroom and start crying. It happened again. I thought since Kanan is here, Ralph would stop. But he didn't.

Last night was torturous. All the times he touched me......no. Don't think about it. It's just so bad, it breaks me to pieces every time I think about it.

For the past month, I usually hid away in a dark room and erase the horrific memories.

But I will never forget the first time it happened.


I was in my room fixing my light saber. It needed more power cells.

I looked at the time and it was almost midnight. I was indeed tired, but I wanted to fix my saber first.

I was half way done, till I heard the door open. I looked up to see Ralph come in.

I thought he would be sleeping by now.

"Uh hi Ralph." I said and continued working on my saber.

Suddenly he slapped my saber out of my hands. I was shocked that he did that.

"It's time for bed." He said harshly. I knew it was late, but he didn't have to do that.

"Ok......I'll go to bed now." I said and laid down on my bunk.

I was waiting for Ralph to leave, but he stayed where he was. I thought he was just waiting for me to go to sleep.

So I closed my eyes and soon drifted off into sleep. But what I didn't know, was that Ralph laid next to me after I fell asleep.

That's when the bad stuff happened.

End of flashback

My eyes widen and I fight to prevent myself from thinking about that horrible night.

It's too awful. I don't want to think about it. I can't think about it. It's just so hard because he did it to me every night. Some while I was sleeping and some while I was awake.

It's easier to forget when I'm sleeping. But sometimes he won't let me sleep.

I didn't notice that the light for the bathroom turned off.

I thought I turned it on. I go to the light switch and try turn it back on. But I remain in darkness.

I soon realized it was broken.

How did that happen? Did I do that?

I decide to ignore it and leave the bathroom. But once I step out, I bump into Ralph.

He then grabs my shoulders and pushes me back into the bathroom. I was beyond frightened to fight back.

Ralph locked the door behind him and didn't even bother to turn on the light. It's broken anyways.

He pins me to the wall. "Listen. Kanan is starting to get suspicious. Did you tell him anything?"

I shake my head. I was too scared to speak.

"Tell him that its bad nightmares. Make up something for all I care. Just don't let him find out or next time I will kill you in your sleep." He says.

I nod. Ralph then let's me go and I run into my room.

I wasn't expecting to see Kanan still in my room.

Kanan's pov

I cannot believe it. Ralph is doing something to Ezra. That explains everything that is happening to him.

But what did he do to him? Ezra won't tell me anything.

That's when I see a camera on the wall in a dark corner.

My eyes widen. If Ralph didn't see this, then I could find out what has been going on.

I quickly detach the camera from the wall and put it in my pocket.

I was about to leave, till I saw Ezra barge in.

He is breathing heavy and looks like he is about to cry.

"Ezra are you ok?" I ask for what feels like the millionth time I asked that.

Ezra nods and sits on his bed. "I....." He mumbles.


"I have....been having nightmares." He says.

"What kind of nightmares?" I ask him sitting down with him.

"Nightmares about.......about my parents again...." Ezra says and starts to cry. "T-that's w-why I've b-been d-depressed."

I quickly embrace him into a hug. He cries into my shoulder.

"It's ok....." I whisper into his ear.

I know he is lying about having nightmares. This is definitely not the reason he is like this. But I don't need to question him anymore because I have the camera.

He keeps crying till he falls asleep in my arms.

I was about to lay him down on his bed, till I felt it would be safer if he slept in Hera's room, or for now my room.

I carry him bridal style to my room and lay him down on the bottom bunk.

I could still see the tears on his face. I wipe them away and whisper in his ear.

"Don't worry Ezra. I will find out what is happening to you. I love you my son." I whisper and leave the room.

I go into the common room trying to avoid Ralph. When I see he isn't there, I turn the camera on and look at the footage.

But what I saw, made me want to kill Ralph that second.

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