Kanan's Dark Side pt.2

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After a lot of thinking and many people who made suggestions and wanted this, I decided to make a part 2. Hope you all like it.

Kanan's pov

Cold. All I felt was cold. Right now I am surrounded by darkness. The last thing I remember was Ezra being thrown to a wall by the inquisitor.

What happened after that?

I suddenly start to see light. I feel myself waking up. When I open my eyes fully, a bright white light blinds me.

I'm in the medbay. How did I get here? Did I get injured badly? Is Ezra ok?

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a door opening.


She looks like she lost something important to her. I could feel her emotional vibes and sadness.

"Hera?" I say trying to get up.

"Your awake. I was so worried. I'll help you up." She says walking towards me.

Hera then takes my arm gently and pulls me up from the bed. I wobble at first but soon find my balance.

"Thanks. What happened?" I ask her.

"We found you passed out on top of a house. I don't know how you got up there, but you looked pretty beat up so we brought you here."

"Where's Ezra." I ask. Hera then looks at me with a sad expression on her face.

"I'm sorry Kanan but....." She trails off and tears form in her eyes.

"What? What happened to Ezra?" I ask getting worried.


That's when my heart stops. My padawan, my son, dead.

No, he can't be. When Ezra was thrown to the wall, it shouldn't have been that major. Only a concussion or something.

I try to feel Ezra's force signature, but find none in result.

He's dead.......he's dead.....he's dead.....he's dead.....he's dead......he's dead.....he's dead.....he's dead......

Before I knew it, I was on my knees. I felt like my heart was breaking into pieces. My head is spinning and I can't seem to get my vision to stop being blurry.

I could hear Hera try to tell me something, but I only continue to hear the words that tore me apart.

He's dead......my padawan is dead.....MY SON IS DEAD!!!!!

I felt like shouting, but I heard no words come out. Tears were falling, but I couldn't feel the wetness. Instead an acid feeling replaces it making my eyes burn more.

I could tell that Sabine and Zeb came in by the feeling of arms surrounding me taking me into an embrace.

It only made me feel colder.

By now my eyes were closed, darkness was around me again. But this time I saw images. Not just images......a vision.



"Kanan no!!!"


"Kanan!!! Don't do this!!! Please!!!"


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