The Search for Credits pt.2

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Ezra's pov

I might've gotten into a little bit of trouble............

Let's just say, I tried to steal a bucket head's credits and now 15 troopers are chasing me.

It was worth it. I got 20 more credits. 122 down, 1,878 more to go. Yeah I have to get a lot more.......

"Stop thief!!!!!" One of the troopers shout.

I just ignore his pointless order and keep running. I was getting pretty far away from them, till I reached a corner.

"Karabast." I mutter under my breath while storm troopers surround me.

"Surrrender rebel." The storm trooper says.

"Woah have the wrong person. I'm not a rebel." I lie.

"Quiet!!! Now hands where I could see them!!!" He shouts at me.

I sigh. I failed. Now Kanan is going to be killed because I couldn't save him. I'm sorry Kanan.

I was about to put my hands up in defeat, till I heard a voice behind the troopers shouting for them to stop.

A girl came pushing the bucket heads away and approaches me. She had blond hair with a hat on covering most of it, and hazel eyes which looked almost like they sparkled.

"Brother. Why did you run off again? I'm terribly sorry troopers but he has a sickness and does crazy things." She says.

Who is this girl? Why is she helping me?

"Just make sure he stops stealing from the Empire or else next time, he will be arrested." The bucket head says while they all march away.

"Who are you?" I ask curious.

"Woah, not even a thank you first?" She says with a smirk.

"Sorry, thanks for the help." I say.

"No problem, wow you had twice the amount of bucket heads I usually have chasing me. You must've done something awful." She says. I almost laughed when she said bucket heads.

"I stole some credits." I say. She looks at me confused.

"Yeah no one gets almost 20 troopers after you when you only stole something." She says. "You get that much when you are a rebel."

"Why did you help me?" I ask to change the subject.

"Because I know you're a rebel." She says. My eyes widen.

"How did yo-" She cuts me off.

"I recognized you from your wanted posters." She says. Wait I have those? Cool........I mean not good.

"Oh." I say.

"So where's your other rebel friends? And why do you need credits?" She asks me.

"Well....." I start off. I can't tell her. I barely even know her. I just met her!!!!

"Well what?"

I sigh. She did help me after all. "My master was captured and everyone else went on a mission. So now I have a few days to get 2,000 credits for his freedom or...." I trail off not wanting to say what could happen to him.

She seems to understand. "That sounds tough."

I nod. I just want Kanan back. I'm starting to miss him. I hope those people aren't doing anything to him.

The girl sees my expression on my face and suddenly looks like she came up with something.

"I think I know a way you could get those credits." She says. I look at her with hope.

"Really? What do I do?"

"You could just keep stealing and hope for the best, or you could come with me." She says.

I look at her confused. "What?"

"You heard me. I actually have a speeder not too far from here. There is this place I have to go to get something important of mine. If you help me get it, I will in return give you the credits you need."

Is she serious? Or is this a trap?

"How do I know I could trust you? I only met you a few minutes ago." I say suspicious.

"If you want to get your master back, you'll have to trust me." She says. "Besides, take risks once in your life. That's what being a rebel is for. Risking everything and hoping for the best to save others."

She kinda has a point. I look at the time to see it is almost 10 at night. If it took me the whole day to get 20 credits, I will never get 2,000. This is my only option.

"Ok, I will go with you. But if this is a trap-" She cuts me off.

"Don't worry, it's not." She says.

"Then let's go to this place. I only have a few days to get my master back. So let's get this done quick." I say.

She smiles. "Follow me. Oh and by the way, my name is June."

"Ezra." I say and we both shake hands.

I then follow June to her speeder and we both hop on.

I sure hope Kanan will approve of me doing this.

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