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It was getting later, and all of us were still in the pool having fun. Jake looked at everyone and smirked. He cleared his throat, acting as if he had an announcement.

"Guys, let's play chicken!" He shouted.

We all agreed, and it was perfect since there were ten of us. Jake's friend, Kade, split us off into five teams. We were going to have a mini tournament. I was with Anthony, Tessa with Jake, Tristan with Ivan, Chance with Emilio, and Alex with AJ (Ajex(;).

First, Chance and Emilio versed Tristan and Ivan. Both the twins were up on the shoulders of the other two. Jake had his vlog camera out, along with a go-pro attached to his head. After a few minutes, Emilio knocked down Ivan. Him and Chance high fived each other.

Next, Tony and I were against Jake and Tessa. Anthony bent down as I climbed up onto his shoulders. Tessa did the same, getting up on Jake. I stuck my hands out, pushing Tessa as she pushed me. I wasn't sure if she was ticklish, but I tickled her side and she lost balance. I took this opportunity to push her down. She fell off of Jake and into the water. Tony and I cheered.

Since AJ and Alex had no one to verse, Erika and Kade made a team to verse them. Alex struggled to hold up AJ, the two of them stumbling each time Alex took a step. Erika easily pushed AJ off of Alex, and they were out.

"Since Anthony and Callie won the fastest, they'll verse the winner between Emilio and Chance and Erika and Kade," Jake announced.

Emilio and Erika both climbed onto the shoulders of their partners. It was fun to watch. The fight went on for a long time. Both had a few times where they almost fell off. Eventually, Erika scared Emilio and he fell off. Erika stayed on Kade's shoulders since they'd verse me and Tony.

I hopped onto Anthony's shoulders and he stood up so I was level with Erika. We began trying to push each other off. The others were betting on who would win. Anthony and Kade were jokingly taunting each other. I looked down at them and laughed. Erika took this as a good opportunity to push me down. I yelped as I fell. My head hit something hard and I groaned in pain, grabbing it right away.

I grabbed the back of my head in pain. Erika and Kade stopped celebrating and came over to me in worry. Chance came running out of the house with an ice pack. Anthony picked me up out of the water and sat me down on their outdoor couch.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, rubbing my back.

"My head hurts," I told him, gritting my teeth.

He nodded, placing the ice on my head. We sat there in silence. Every once in a while I would grunt in pain. The others headed in to get changed. Tony stayed with me. After a while, Tessa came outside with Chance. We started talking— well they'd talk, I'd listen since the motion hurt my head too much.

My head started hurting less so we all headed in. Anthony gave me some Tylenol to help with the pain.

"Hey, since it's already late out and your head is hurting, why don't you just sleep here?" Jake offered.

"Really? I would love that," I told him.

"You can stay in my room," Tessa told me.

I nodded, heading upstairs with her. She gave me some shorts and a T-shirt to change into. I headed into her washroom and changed.

"We're all going to watch a movie, wanna come?" She asked.

I nodded. The two of us headed downstairs. All of us crowded around on the trampoline.

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edited because i made a mistake on who versed who

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