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I sat on my bed, scrolling through Instagram. Annoyed by everyone assuming things in the comments on my recent post, I went to the settings and disabled the comments.

I was glad that Anthony had fans that supported him. He deserved them all. Sometimes they could be crazy, though. When I first started dating him they all hated me. Now that we broke up, they all hated me. It sucked to see so much hate going around. The problem didn't even concern them.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood up from my bed, walking over to the door. Turning it open, I closed the door immediately when I saw who was there.

Unfortunately, Anthony was much stronger than me and he pushed the door back opened. Sighing, I left the door open, turning to face him.

"Could you please leave? I'm busy right now," I said, annoyed by his presence.

"Doing what?" Anthony questioned me.

I placed my hands on my hips, glaring at Anthony. I told him to give me space. Here he was, doing the opposite.

"Stuff," I said with a shrug, "now leave."

"Please, just let me explain myself. I miss you, I miss you a lot. I know I messed everything up, and I'm sorry. Just give me some time to tell you the whole story," Anthony pleaded.

I took a deep breath, looking at the boy in front of me. Part of me was aching to say yes, curious as to what possible explanation he would give. The other part of me believed I needed space away from him.

"I think," I began. "I think I need some time to myself just to think about everything. Could you leave now?"

"Please, Callie. Five minutes, that's all I need," Anthony begged.

As I was about to swing the door open to let him in, I was interrupted. A voice from down the hall shouted out at Anthony, surprising the two of us.

"I think she asked you to leave," a voice called from down the hall.

Knowing who the voice belonged to, I smirked to myself. Curiously, Anthony turned around, coming face to face with someone I don't think he ever expected to see at my house.

"Hey, Alissa. You can come in. And Anthony, seriously just leave me alone," I sighed.

Alissa walked into my apartment. I watched Anthony open his mouth to speak again. Before he could say anything, I shook my head, closing the door on him.

"Boys," I muttered under my breath.

anthony's pov

"She was with who?" Jake asked loudly.

"Alissa!" I exclaimed.

When I went to Callie's house, I knew there was a small chance she would end up talking to me. Still, I decided to take the chance. I never expected to see Alissa Violet standing in her apartment's hallway. The fact that Callie was so chill with letting her in surprised me.

It pained me to see Callie act so distant. She wasn't only avoiding me, but she was keeping her distance from the rest of the group. They didn't deserve to be shut out because of my mistakes.

I'm sure Callie was just worried about being bombarded with questions. She probably also feared running into me. I wouldn't blame her.

"Are you sure it was her?" Kade questioned.

"It was 100 percent her," I answered.

"I've got to see this myself," Jake sighed. "Let's go, boys."

Kade, Jake, and I all climbed into his car. I told him the directions leading to Callie's apartment complex. I did feel guilty about showing up when she probably didn't want to see us, but Jake was so angry I didn't know what to do.

As we were only a few blocks away from Callie's complex, Kade noticed something suspicious.

"Is that Logan?" Kade asked, pointing over to a truck that looked exactly like his.

We looked closer at the truck driving pass, and it definite was Logan. I watched him drive straight into her parking lot. First Alissa, now him? Was Callie trying to make Jake mad?

As we stepped out of Jake's car, Logan did the same. He was by himself, vlog camera in hand, though he wasn't filming. I watched as Jake made his way over to Logan.

"Logan," Jake said, catching his attention.

"What are you doing here?" Logan questioned his brother.

"I could ask you the same thing," Jake laughed.

Logan ran a hand through his hair, quickly pulling out his phone and typing something. I bet he was texting Callie, letting her know that we were here.

"See, Callie invited me to hang out. I'm sure she didn't invite any of you, so if you'd excuse me, I'm gonna go see my friend," Logan said, not bothering to say goodbye.

• • •

lol go logan

the midwest boys are being highly annoying


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