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Walking into the little diner, I looked around the room trying to spot anyone who looked familiar. In the back of the room, I see my best friend from Columbus sitting in the back of the diner.

"Meadow!" I shouted loudly, catching we attention.

She stood up from her seat, running towards me. I engulfed her in a warm hug, holding onto her for dear life. The two of us hadn't seen each other in years.

"I was worried you wouldn't come," she laughed, sliding back into her seat.

I followed her actions, sitting down across from her. "I was planning on not showing up. You made it sound like you were some killer!"

"I needed to make sure you'd show up, and I wanted it to remain a surprise,"

The waitress came up to us and got our orders. I got a strawberry milkshake, fries, and chicken fingers. Meadow got a chocolate milkshake and a bacon hamburger.

The two of us caught up with each other as we waited for our orders. She told me how she was studying to become a lawyer. I was proud of my best friend.

Soon our food and drinks arrived at the table. I took a sip of the sweet strawberry drink and fell in love. Strawberries were my favourite fruit, and I loved everything flavoured like strawberries.

"Who's this?" Meadow asked, showing me a photo of Anthony.

"Oh! That's my boyfriend, Anthony," I told her with a smile.

"I ship it! How long have you guys been dating for?" she asked me.

"A couple months now. Maybe you can meet him while you're in town!" I suggested.

She nodded excitedly. I told her the story of how the two of us met by accident. That was one of the best days of my life.

"So you're telling me that you're friends with some of the fastest growing youtubers?" Meadow questioned, her eyes wide.

"Yeah. I still can't believe it sometimes," I laughed. "I have a channel too, you should subscribe."

"I already am," Meadow giggled, flipping her dark curly hair.

After we shared lunch together, the two of us decided to go to The Grove and get in some shopping. Since she took an Uber here, I was able to drive her.

On the way to The Grove, the two of us sang loudly to the radio. I picked up my vlog camera from the back seat, pointing it at Meadow while we were at a red light.

"Guys, my best friend flew in from Columbus! Say hi, Meadow," I smiled.

Meadow waved at the camera, continuing to sing to the Justin Bieber song that was playing on the radio.

The light changed to a green and I began driving, setting my camera on the dashboard. We ended up doing something similar to Alex's carpool karaoke videos.

After driving through the heavy LA traffic, Meadow and I arrived at The Grove. The two of us instantly ran to Barnes and Noble, wanting to buy books.

As soon as we stepped foot into the bookstore, Meadow's eyes instantly widened. She looked up from her spot on the bottom floor, looking at the multiple levels of the store, the walls lined with books.

She grabbed my hand, running into the store. Rushing up and down the aisles looking for a certain section, she dodged bodies of people who were quietly browsing.

The two of us soon found ourselves going up an escalator, heading to the second floor. Meadow found the section she was looking for. Even though the two of us had a good majority of these books, we rifled through the shelves, looking at copies of Harry Potter, The Selction, and more.

Meadow and I both found some books we were interested in. We purchased them then continue our shopping trip.

By the time we finished shopping, my entire backseat was filled with bags from different stores. Meadow packed a larger suitcase than needed, knowing she'd go shopping while in LA.

Both of us agreed to go to the Team 10 house. She was excited to meet Anthony.

"I'm gonna give that boy a strict lecture. He better not hurt my best friend," she smiled, patting me on my head as we parked across the street.

Both of us crossed the road. I smiled at the fans gathered around, saying hi before walking into the Team 10 house.

"Babe!" I shouted loudly.

Anthony came running down the stairs, leaning down and pecking my lips.

"Hey," he smiled brightly, hugging me tightly.

(a/n i rhyme so well maybe i should rap)

"Anthony, this is Meadow, my best friend. Meadow, this is Anthony, my boyfriend," I said, introducing the two.

"It's nice to meet you," Anthony smiled, shaking her hand.

Tessa and Erika soon came home from their girl's day. They instantly began to talk with Meadow. All four of us got along so well.

"Who's this?" Tristan asked as he came out of the garage with Chance.

"This is Meadow, my best friend," I told him.

He smiled at her, and they began to talk with each other.

Over the time I spent getting to know Tristan, I felt as if he and Meadow would make a good pair. Even if I had a bad experience with Tristan, it didn't make him a bad person. We were meant to be friends, nothing more.

By the time Meadow and I left, it was already dark out. She left the house with a smile on her face.

As I was driving to drop her off at the hotel, her phone dinged. She looked at it and instantly smiled brightly, giggling at the message.

"Who's that?" I asked her.

"Tristan," she spoke happily.

I dropped her off at her hotel, helping her with her shopping bags. Smiling as I got back into the driver's side, I was happy with how amazing today was.

• • •

i was gonna make the unknown texter her mom but then i realized it wouldn't work so then i made it callie's friend

a relaxed chapter for ya


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