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We returned to the Team 10 house after Jake was finished at Disney. None of us felt like cooking so we all agreed on ordering a bunch of pizzas. We were all just chilling as we waited for them to arrive.

"Callie!" Chance called from the backyard. "Come here."

I walked over from my seat on the trampoline over to the back doors. I slowly opened, confused as to why Chance called me. Suddenly, a rush of coolness came over my body. I gasped, looking over to Anthony who was holding a bucket of water, now empty, covered all over me.

"Idiot!" I shouted jokingly, narrowing my eyes at the two boys.

I ran after the pair, them running from me into the house. They were really fast and I was struggling to keep up. Man, I needed to start going to the gym more often. Since I was soaked, I slipped and fell. I used this to my advantage, pretending I had hurt my head again.

"Ow!" I fake cried, catching the looks of everyone except Chanthony.

I turned to the group and gave them a wink so they would know I was faking. They decided they would help me get them back and prank them.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked me loudly, hoping to catch the attention of the boys.

This worked, and Chance and Anthony came running back. Anthony crouched beside me. He looked at me with concern. I felt bad pranking him like this, but it had to be done.

"What happened?" Chance asked.

"She slipped and hit her head," Kade answered for me.

"Shoot, you just got better from your concussion," Anthony told me. "Let's go to the hospital."

I looked over at Jake then he nodded. I guess I would be going on with the prank for a bit longer. Anthony and I went over to my car. Chance tagged along since he felt bad. He gave me a bag of ice, and I used it.

We were almost at the hospital when I decided to tell them it was a joke. I was looking out the window to keep myself from laughing but it didn't work. I erupted in laughter at how long the boys believed I was hurt.

"You can turn around now," I told Anthony who was driving.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"I was messing with you. I slipped but I'm fine. I was going to tell you at the house but Jake made me go with it," I explained.

"You're sure you're not hurt?" Anthony questioned.

"I'm fine," I assured.

"While we're out, can we get food?" Chance asked us.

"We have pizza at the house," I reminded him.

"Let's go get burgers, then," Anthony said.

I rolled my eyes at the two boys. They always seemed to be hungry. We turned into the parking lot of In N' Out. Anthony bought six burgers and three large bags of fries. He also got us some pop.

"There are only three of us here," I told him when he came back from inside of the fast food place.

"Exactly. Now dig in!" Anthony exclaimed.

Chance, Anthony, and I all grabbed a burger to start with. I took a bite and was instantly in heaven. I loved burgers so much. It was a bonus that there was also bacon on it. I ate some of my fries as well, sipping on the iced tea he got for me.

By the time we got home, we had all finished our food already. We walked into the Team 10 house to find like ten boxes of pizza sprawled across the floor. I grabbed a slice of cheese pizza. One could never have too much food.

"Let's watch a movie!" Tessa suggested.

We all nodded, finding spots on the trampoline. I sat in between Anthony and Tessa, Chance on the other side of Tessa. Jake gave us all blankets.

We decided to watch Moana. Disney movies were life, and it was on Netflix. Tessa and I sang off-key to all of the songs. The rest of the night was filled with laughter coming from all of us. I was grateful for the choice of replying in the groupchat. It let me find all of my best friends.

• • •

ayeeee 20k+ reads thank youuuuuu

short chapter sorry

soda is such a weird worddddddd


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