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Following the directions on my phone to the coffee shop, I couldn't help but notice how familiar the street felt. There was a large chance I've driven here before, but it felt like it held a large significance.

"In 300 metres, your destination will be on your right," the voice on my phone stated.

Looking towards the right side of the street for a parking spot, I found one, parking my car and stepping out of it. Looking for the shop, my breath hitched in my throat.

It was the same coffee shop that Anthony had first asked me out at. I don't know if he asked me to come here on purpose, or if it was just a place he came to often. Still, I would rather come somewhere else.

I opened the door to the coffee shop, my eyes widening as I saw a familiar group stand up to the sound of the door chime. Daniel began to strum his guitar, and that's when I realized that Jake was talking about Anthony, not Chance.

Jack began singing, his eyes looking up at me and widening as he saw me standing in front of them. Zach, who stood beside him, grinned widely, looking as if he wanted to burst out laughing. I looked around the shop for Anthony, but didn't see him anywhere.

Jonah sang next, smirking as he continued to sing the lyrics. Even though it was silly watching my new friends trying to help Anthony out, they were good singers and I was enjoying their performance.

Daniel began singing and I couldn't help but grin at the boys. They were all so talented, I'm not sure why I never listened to their music before. Sure, I'd heard Something Different on the radio, and sure, I'd listened to Help Me Help You, but I never listened to all of their songs until now. I had to admit, they were super talented.

"I swear I'd walk, I'd run, I'd even learn to fly, just to see you smile."

After that line, Anthony somehow appeared out of nowhere, walking out with a bouquet of white roses in his hands. I smiled lightly, though the roses reminded me of President Snow from The Hunger Games.

"Callie, I know I told you we could start over, rebuild our friendship, and then take things slowly, but I can't. I miss the feeling of holding you in my arms. I miss the feeling of your lips against mine. I miss sneaking off to the beach, I miss doing spontaneous things together. I miss sitting around doing nothing except watching movies and playing video games. I miss our strolls around the city. But most importantly I miss you," Anthony rambled.

Throughout his speech, my stomach filled with butterflies, my heart beating quickly in my chest. I couldn't allow myself to make eye contact with him, to look into his magnificent brown eyes that caused me to swoon every time I looked at them.

"I know you wanted space, and I've been trying to give it to you, I really have been, but it's killing me. So, Callie, will you give me another chance? Will you go out with me, again?" Anthony asked.

I pinched myself, making sure this wasn't a dream. Closing my eyes and reopening them, Anthony was still there, and I was here, forced to answer him.

I still needed time, I still needed space, but I didn't know how to reject him after that. His whole little speech was so sweet, and it left me speechless. Would I be heartless if I told him what I've been telling him all this time he's been trying to get back with him?

"Wow," I whispered, too stunned to stay anything else. "That was sweet, really sweet."

"Is sweet good enough to win you back?" Anthony asked.

I looked back up at him, and a small, hopeful grin was on his face. He was making it really difficult to say no to him. Was that I sign that I was supposed to say yes?

My gaze switched from Anthony to Jonah. I thought about what he had said at the party, about how if we were meant to be together, the world would bring us back together. Is this what he meant? When would I know when the time was?

I opened my mouth to speak, but then my phone began vibrating from my back pocket. Taking it out from the pocket of my jeans, I looked at the Caller ID, then back at Anthony, then back towards my phone. I felt like a jerk, but I really couldn't miss this phone call.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to take this," I told Anthony.

Running out of the coffee shop, I pressed answer, unlocking my car to be somewhere a bit more quiet than the busy city streets.

What I heard on the other line could have possibly changed my life.

• • •
good evening everyone!

another chapter, as promised.

i'm going camping tomorrow until tuesday so no updates, unless we stop somewhere with wifi. I also have no power so there's a slim chance i can write while i'm away. i do however leave in the afternoon so i'll try and post something in the morning.

comment your thoughts on this chapter and any predictions! i love hearing any feedback


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