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"Bye," I whispered one last time.

Holding onto Anthony, I didn't want this moment to end. It's not that I was clingy, I just knew that letting go meant that I would be on my way to Ireland.

We flew back once before. I knew that then, my mother was still in jail for the things she did to me and my siblings. After that I never really kept track of things in Ireland, I focused on my new life here.

My subscribers knew I was going on a trip and they requested for me to vlog it. I guess I would show them the view and stuff, but when I was with my aunt, uncle, and cousins I wouldn't vlog. They were on my mom's side and thought it was wrong for my dad to take us away from her.

Soon we all boarded the plane. We were in the aisle. I sat on the outside, with Matt beside me. Caleb was beside him, Dad on the other outside.

The lady told us the instructions in case of an emergency. After that, the plane took off for the long flight. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them in, listening to music as I fell asleep.

"We're here!" Dad exclaimed as the plane began to descend from the air.

Rolling my eyes, I packed everything into the backpack in front of me. The plane then touched down, beginning to drive around the runway.

After we connected to the tube, we left the plane, walking out through the tunnel. I grabbed my phone from my backpack and turned it on, checking all of my notifications.

text me when you land, and text me if anything happens.

you left me?!?

miss you already

I replied to everyone, shutting my phone off and putting it away. My family and I headed to the baggage claim, each of us grabbing our suitcase which held everything we would need for the next two weeks.

Near the exit of the airport, I spotted my Uncle Sam. I bit my lip. He was my mom's older brother and didn't believe our family. I had no idea why we were staying with them, but we were.

"Lovely to see you all," he spoke, a forced smile on his face.

The tension between him and my family was thicker than Kim Kardashian, (a/n sorry i had to). I sat in the back seat with my brother's, my dad up in front with Uncle Sam.

After a long drive, we arrived at their house. My cousins came out to greet us. They were tolerable, unlike their parents.

"Briana, Colleen!" I exclaimed.

The set of twins ran up to me and we shared a long group hug. After reuniting, we headed into the house. I rolled my suitcase behind me.

"You're sharing a room with us," Colleen smiled brightly at me, her accent welcoming.

It was nice to hear an Irish accent. I loved everyone from America, but being back in my home country was nice, for the most part.

"Can we be in your vlog?" Briana asked me.

"You watch my Youtube?" I questioned.

"Duh! You and Anthony are so cute together," Colleen squealed as we sat down on her bed.

I took out my camera from my backpack, pointing it at my cousins.

"Hey everyone! These are my cousins, Briana and Colleen," I introduced, pointing my camera at them.

They both smiled at the camera, waving their hands. We joked around for a bit with each other.

"Hey Ivan, I'm single," Briana shouted out of the blue.

Colleen and I bursted out in laughter. I replayed the clip and filmed it, sending it to Ivan on Snapchat.

"You showed him it?" she shouted, turning a bright shade of red.

"Yep. It's going in the vlog, too," I laughed as her eyes widened.

After we caught up for a bit, my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen as it glowed with the name.


I quickly slid on the notification, looking at the photo Ivan had sent me. He was smirking and added the caption 'who's that? she's cute😉'

I showed it to Briana and she immediately squealed. She took my phone and began typing a message to Ivan.

It was nice to be back. Maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe I was overreacting for nothing.

I was wrong.

• • •

little cliffhanger but I'm sure you can all assume what's going to happen😂


𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭Where stories live. Discover now