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I stood in front of my full length mirror, looking at the outfit I was wearing. Today I was graduating from college. It wasn't as big as my high school graduation, but I still wanted to look nice. I was wearing a white lace dress that ended above my knees. I paired it with some brown sandals and jewelry.

My hair was in curls. For my makeup I did it a bit heavier than I usually wore it. Looking at myself once more, I was happy with my look.

I got into my car, driving to the venue where my graduation would be held. Everyone in my class had to meet in a certain room to line up and get our robes on. In the room I slipped on the white robe, adjusting my hat on my head.

A staff member from my school read out the names, making us sit in alphabetical order to ensure that we went up on stage in the right order. I was sitting next to a boy named Felix and my friend Natalie.

The two of us talked amongst each other, excited to graduate. She was going into media, and she wanted to be a news anchor.

Finally, we walked out to where the ceremony would be held. One by one in alphabetical order, us students were called up to receive our diplomas.

"Callie O'Neil."

I walked up onto the stage, shaking hands with the dean of my university. He handed me my diploma, I wasn't sure what to say so I said thank you.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Anthony standing towards the back of the room. He was with my family, which made me smile. Tristan, Kade, Alex, and AJ were also there.

I walked back to my seat, smiling at the sight of my boyfriend and family together. I'm glad he still put up with my family even after my dad questioned him.

*time skip because i've never been to a graduation so I don't know what happens*

"You actually made me the cake?" I gasped, looking at the gorgeous cake in front of me.

It was a three layer cake. The cake was covered in light pink icing, starting almost white and getting darker and darker as it went down. Little white flowers were on it, designed with icing.

"Chance helped with baking, and Erika and Tessa helped decorating," he explained.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

I enveloped Anthony in a long hug, his smell surrounding me. I then hugged Chance, Tessa, and Erika who helped make the cake.

We spent the rest of the day eating cake, celebrating, and relaxing. When we grew tired, I went home, a smile on my face as I drifted to sleep.

• • •

tbh i only really watch tristan and alex, and sometimes tessa. i'm slowly growing out of my team 10 phase lol...

so i have a bunch of ideas for other stories, but i need to finish these other stories first so i don't have like 8 different stories to update

there's a big plot twist coming soon, i don't think anyone will see it coming

btw callie is twenty one

might end this soon:/


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