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After spending the rest of the day with Logan and the Why Don't We boys, Logan dropped me off at the Team 10 house.

"I had fun, thanks for taking my mind off things for a bit," I told Logan.

"For sure. Let's hang out again some other time," Logan said.

I nodded, stepping out of his car. "See you soon?"

"Of course," he agreed.

Walking over to my parked car, I was stopped by Jake. I mentally rolled my eyes, wanting to go home.

"Callie! What were you doing with Logan?" Jake questioned.

"Just hanging out."

I pressed the unlock button on my car keys. Opening the door, Jake stopped me once again.

"What's your car doing here, then?" he asked me.

"I came here, didn't feel like staying after what happened, then when I was leaving Logan was here. He wanted to show me his dog, the end," I explained.

"What happened?" Jake asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it, go ask Anthony or Tessa," I sighed.

Finally, Jake left me alone. I drove away, wanting to get home to my apartment.

third person

Four broken hearts.
One painful cause.

Chance, Anthony, Tessa, and Callie all sat in separate rooms. Each felt different emotions, none of which were good.

Anthony felt a deep regret. He sat in the garage with the door locked, sitting against the wall. He silently cried, the only sound the occasional sob.

He didn't know how he had let himself do anything to hurt Callie. All he wanted to do was be her hero, yet he messed up.

Not only had he hurt Callie, he hurt his best friend. He was sure that Jake would kick him out, send him packing back to Ohio. And Anthony knew that was what he deserved.

Chance sat in his room, heartbroken. He needed to let his anger out somehow, but didn't know what to do. All he could think of was punching something.

That's what he did. Chance kept punching and punching the same pillow over and over again.

Warm tears trickled down his face. He trusted Tessa. Never once did he question her intentions with Tony. Chance trusted the two of them, and they betrayed his trust.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for Callie. She must've witnessed everything that had happened. At least he only had to hear what happened in words. Callie had seen it with her own eyes.

Tessa sat on her bed, emotionless. She didn't know what caused her to do what she did.

She knew that Chance's anger would've taken over by now. She could even hear his muffled screams.

Tessa felt as if it was all her fault. She was the one who had kissed Anthony, and he kissed her back. Still, it was wrong.

She sighed as she thought about how Callie would probably never talk to her again. Tessa wanted to apologize to everyone, but she didn't want to see the look of shame everyone would probably be giving her.

Callie silently cried as she continued driving home. She only had a few more turns before she was at her apartment, but the tears began blurring her vision,

Pulling over to the side of the road, Callie put her car in her park and sobbed into her hands.

If she had never came home early, she would have never witnessed Tessa and Anthony kissing. That made her grow suspicious. What if that wasn't the first time? They almost didn't get caught this time, how many more times were still a secret?

Taking a deep breath, she took another turn, driving to her apartment. Once she was there, she sat in her car, wiping the tears. After she was sure it didn't look like she was crying, she ran through the lobby and to the stairwell where she was sure no one would see the tears running down her face.

• • •

not my best chapter, but i wanted you all to know how everyone in the situation felt

what do you think callie should do? what do you think will happen between her and tony?

i just made an instagram for this page (if that made sense) it's @daniellethefangirl


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