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"I've already got the tickets," Tristan explained to me.

I nodded. We headed over to the snacks area. I bought myself a large popcorn, the vast majority of it probably going to be consumed during the trailers. I also bought an iced tea. Tristan bought the same thing except with a coke instead.

The two of us turned around to head into the auditorium where Baywatch was going to be playing. As we turned around, the next set of girls went to buy snacks. Tristan's eyes widened as he sensed their presence.

"Tristan? Is that you?" One of the two girls asked.

"Yep," Tristan nodded, smiling awkwardly. "Hey Lacey."

The two instantly began to chat with each other. I remembered Tristan telling me he had a girlfriend named Lacey while we played 20 questions in the car. I stood awkwardly between the two, waiting to go see the movie.

Eventually, the two walked away heading to the auditorium. I was about to follow the two when I felt an arm tap my shoulder.

"Leave them," Lacey's friend told me. "They had a past, now they need to get over it."

I nodded. "Oh okay. I'm Callie, by the way."

She smiled brightly back at me. "I'm Lorelai, nice meeting you! I think I'm going to head out though."

She left the cinema not too long after. I stood awkwardly with my popcorn and drink. Tristan was my ride home, so I could either wait and seem extremely creepy, or call someone to get me. That's when I remembered that Anthony was still at my apartment, so I texted him.

callie: hey anthony!

tony: aye cow. how's the movie?

callie: nonexistent. his ex showed up and he ditched me

tony: what a jerk

tony: need me to pick you up?

callie: yes please. it's the one on 5th street

tony: be there soon!

I took a seat outside on the bench conveniently placed near the door. I had time to kill, so I began eating my food. After around twenty minutes, Anthony showed up. He honked his car, even though I was two feet from the door. This scared me, causing me to jump. I opened the door and climbed in.

"I'm sorry that Tristan's a jerk," Anthony apologized, even though none of this was his fault.

"It's fine. I guess I didn't want to see the movie anyway," I lied.

Anthony pulled out of the theatre parking lot, heading onto the busy streets of Los Angeles. We sat in silence for s bit before my phone vibrated, indicating I got a text. I kind of expected it to be Tristan, but I wasn't surprised to see it wasn't.

dad: come home for dinner tonight!

callie: idk, i'm with a friend

dad: bring them as well

callie: you don't know them

dad: it's okay! any friend of yours is welcome

callie: i'll ask. see you later, dad

dad: bye cals, love you

I looked over at Anthony, debating whether or not to invite him to dinner with my dad and two brothers. My dad would probably embarrass me, my older brother be overprotective of me, and my brother in awe of Anthony. This dinner might be fun.

"So, my dad wants me over for dinner today. Wanna come?" I offered.

"Sure," He answered, nodding as he pulled into my driveway.

"Really? You want to come?" I questioned, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Yeah, why not?" Anthony started, "It will be fun to meet your family."

"Okay," I sighed, "but they're wild."

• • •

sorry for such a short update i hate studying sm


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