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I walked into the Team 10 house with my vlog camera to see Jake and Erika making out on a table. I ignored them, walking into the backyard where I spotted some of the others.

"Hi Callie!" Tristan shouted, causing the others to turn their attention to me.

I waved at them all, sitting where everyone else was.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Tessa asked.

"Let's go to a trampoline park!" Chance suggested.

We all agreed, heading out to the Team 10 van. Nick drove us all. Jake and Erika didn't come since they had a meeting. AJ was in the studio rehearsing for his tour. Alex was in Ibiza. For once, there were enough seats for us all.

We arrived at the trampoline park. Apparently the group had rented it out a few weeks ago. That was good, since no one else was here. We signed waivers and got those grippy socks, then we were allowed in.

We were all bouncing around on the multiple trampolines, some of us doing tricks. They had a basketball area, so that's where Chance, Anthony, and the twins were. I was jumping with Tessa when all of a sudden I was picked up. I looked up at the person expecting it to be Tony, but it was Kade.

"Put me down! I wanna bounce!" I fake whined.

"Fine," he agreed.

I smiled at him, before he dropped me into the foam pit. I groaned, climbing out of the pit. I picked up one of the foam cubes and chucked it at him. He ran away and I chased after him, hopping onto his back.

"Say sorry!" I shouted.

"Fine, I'm sorry, Callie," Kade apologized.

"Good. We should go get ice cream after," I suggested.

"I agree."

I walked back over to Tessa. We started doing backflips on the trampoline. She did the flips, I attempted and failed miserably. Tessa and I were laying on the trampoline laughing because Emilio got stuck on the rope climb over the foam pit.

The trampoline started shaking and soon Tessa and I were bouncing while lying down. Chance and Anthony had came over and began jumping where we were currently laying down.

"Let's go play dodgeball," Tony said.

Everyone agreed and we all walked over to where the dodgeball area was. We split up into two teams. I was on a team with Chance, Ivan, and Tristan. The other team was Tessa, Anthony, Emilio, and Nick. Kade was filming for us.

We lined up all the balls on the bar in the middle. We all went against the wall and ran over to grab the the dodgeball. Everyone began throwing them at each other, bouncing out of the way to avoid getting hit.

Emilio was the first one out. Chance had hit him while he was bent down to pick up a ball. One by one, everyone was knocked out.

Finally, it was down to me, Chance, and Anthony. The two boys were extremely competitive and didn't bother going after me.

I walked over to the middle to pick up a ball. Suddenly, a sharp pain filled my shoulder. I yelped in surprise. A ball rolled away and I realized I was hit.

I walked over to where everyone who was out was standing. We watched Chance and Anthony battle it out. We all started placing bets on who would win. Eventually, Chance managed to hit Anthony and the game was over.

We all agreed to leave now. We all put our shoes back on and headed out to the van. We piled in. I sat beside Anthony and Tristan.

"I'm sorry I hit you," Anthony apologized, leaning his head on my shoulder.

I winced quietly. "It's fine, it doesn't hurt," I lied.

"You sure?" Tony asked with concern.

"Yeah, are we still getting ice cream, Kade?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Of course," Kade replied.

We drove for a bit before pulling into a cute little ice cream parlour. They had multiple flavours lined up in display. I already knew that I wanted strawberry. It's always been my favourite.

"Could I get a strawberry cone, please?" I ordered from the cashier

"Sure. That'll be $3.75," he told me.

I grabbed a five dollar bill out of my back pocket, but Kade had made his way over to the cash register.

"I promised you ice cream, I'll pay," Kade said, handing the cashier five dollars.

"I'll pay you back," I said, taking the ice cream cone.

"You don't have to, my treat," he smiled.

I thanked him once again before we all headed back to the van. We drove back to the Team 10 house with occasional conversation.

• • •

lame ending rip lol

sorry it's short

follow my instagram @dizzytrizzlers and my other account @shipsofteamten

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