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I arrived at my apartment in half an hour. As I walked into the lobby, I saw Anthony sitting on one of the few couches scattered around. He noticed me walk in, and made his way over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Should we go to my place?" I asked, gesturing to the elevator.

He nodded, and the two of us made our way to the elevator. I pressed the button, waiting for the doors to slide open. Soon enough they did, and a couple walked out of the elevator, being replaced by Anthony and myself.

He pressed the button to my floor, knowing it by heart. The two of us stood in silence, neither of us bothering to break it. For me, I was silent because I didn't know what to say. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind Anthony's silence was.

The elevator slid open with a ding. The two of us walked side by side, hand in hand, walking towards my apartment. Reaching the familiar white door, I twisted it open, and Anthony followed me into the room.

Closing the door behind me, I sat down on the white couch, leaning against the blue and white cushion. Anthony sat across from me in the recliner across from me. He pulled the handle, the bottom shooting out as a footrest. Anthony cleared his threat, his brown eyes connecting with mine.

"I think we should give long distance a shot. I know you'll probably disagree, and I'm fine with that. I just wanted to let you know my thoughts," Anthony spoke.

"I agree," I told him.

"Yeah, I understand," he said, not fully aware of what I had just told him. As if in realization, Anthony's head snapped up, eyes wide. "Wait, what?"

Cheek to cheek, I watched his mouth form a large grin as he comprehended my words. I smiled back at him, nodding to confirm my previous statement.

"Plenty of people so long distance and it works well. And if it doesn't work for us, we can just go back to being friends," I said, explaining why I agreed with him.

"Okay. Do you want to come over for a bit?" Anthony asked.

I nodded, the two of us standing back up. We went down the elevator to head back to my car. Unlocking it, I got into the driver's seat, Anthony hopping into the passenger side. We pulled out, driving to the Team 10 house.

Anthony was scrolling through my phone to choose a song to play. Looking over for a second, I saw him grin for a second before he clicked on a song.

The first few seconds of the song began to play and I grinned widely, one of my favourite songs, Certain Things playing from the car stereo. The voice of James Arthur began playing, and I sang along quietly while Anthony laughed from beside me.

The song continued playing, and I nodded my head to the beat as I drove down Melrose Avenue, heading to the Team 10 house in West Hollywood. Anthony also began singing, and my smile spread even wider.

"You know what this song reminds me of?" Anthony asked as the chorus ended and the second verse began to play.

I shook my head, my eyes remaining on the road as we continued our drive. Turning onto their street, I continued driving around the block to remain in a quiet place away from all of the fans.

"It reminds me of us. Even though I hurt you, you still came back to me. And even though you're moving away to live your dream, you still, in a way, came back to be with me," Anthony explained, his voice soft. "And even though there's going to be approximately 4510 kilometres between us, I'm certain that I'm yours, and you're mine, and the distance won't change that."

Pulling over to the side of the road, I felt my heart flutter. Anthony was making it impossible to move away from him. Turning to face him as I put the car in park, I leaned in, my lips meeting his. Pulling away slowly, I wrapped my arms around his, not wanting to leave them.

"I don't want to leave you," I muttered, frowning as I buried my face into his chest.

"And I don't want you to leave. But Callie, you have a talent in writing. I'm not going to let you give up your dream just like that," Anthony sighed, kissing the top of my head. "Now the rest of the gang wants to see you before you leave tomorrow, let's go inside."

• • •

i apologize for no updates in the past few days, i was sick on friday/saturday and yesterday it was my best friend's birthday!

so only two chapters left like what..

and this time i mean two chapters lol

goodbye friends

wait listen to the song because it's really good and I feel like it's the perfect tallie song


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