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"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, trying to sound professional.

"Good afternoon, Ms. O'Neil, I'm calling from the New York Times office. How are you?" A woman on the other line spoke.

"I'm doing fine, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fantastic, thanks for asking. Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm calling," she laughed.

I nodded, then realizing that she can't see me. "I have an idea, but yes, I'm curious."

"Some of the editors here read the piece you sent in and thought it was absolutely astonishing. After lots of consideration, we've decided that you would be best for the internship over the rest of the summer. If all goes well, we think that the open job in the Entertainment and Arts section would be perfect for you, considering all your experience in Los Angeles. We'll email you with further information, if, of course, you're still interested."

I thought for a moment about the offer. It was always my dream growing up to write, whether it be articles or stories. This opportunity was huge; it wasn't everyday that the New York Times was interested in hiring you. Still, I had built this whole life here in LA, and part of me felt anchored here.

"I know it's a huge decision, so call or email us back by next Monday. We hope it's a yes!" The woman exclaimed, soon hanging up the phone.

Now I had two incredibly large decisions to make. My head couldn't process everything that was going on right now. Stepping out of my car, I walked back into the coffee shop. I guess the phone call did add another reason to say no to Anthony.

"Who was that?" Tony asked as I walked back in.

He was now sitting at a table by himself. The boys were in a booth in the back, talking with each other, laughing together, probably at a joke one of them had made.

"You know how I sent that article to the New York Times last month, applying for that summer internship in the Entertainment section?" I asked Anthony.

He was there with me the night that I had sent it in. It was a few minutes before the deadline, and I wasn't sure what to do with the piece.

"Is it good enough to send in?" I asked Anthony.

The two of us sat on my bed, the article opened in a document. Anthony scrolled through my laptop, reading the piece for the first time. I felt like I would just be embarrassing myself if I sent it in.

"It's really good, and I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend. Your writing is amazing," Anthony complimented.

I felt my face heat up, turning to smile at him. He took my hand in his, placing a small kiss on the back of my hand. My smile began to spread as I looked at the boy beside me.

"So, do I send it?" I asked.

My email was already opened, the article attached. It was 11:56, and all articles were due by 11:59. My finger hovered over the mouse, which was positioned right on the send button.

"Take your shot, it might be scary," Anthony quoted.

I began laughing, looking at my laptop intently. He was right, this was scary. Even though I loved writing and always wanted to make a career out of it, it was still hard for me to let others read my work, especially people I knew personally.

"Did you quote Shawn?" I asked.

"Yep. But seriously, Cal, what's the worst that can happen? You won't get the job, and you'll continue your life here in LA. It's as simple as that. Things will be the exact same, so send it,"

He was right. I had nothing to lose by sending in the article. Looking at the time, I sent it in one minute before 11:59. Letting out a shaky breath, I thanked Anthony, shutting down my laptop.

"Of course I remember. Why, what happened?" Anthony asked, grabbing both of my hands.

"I got the internship," I told him.

A big smile formed on my face, and he leaned forward across the table, kissing me. I realized this was the same table he had asked me out the first time, and we were in the same positions we were in when we had kissed that day.

Kissing him back, I realized my heart longed to be with Anthony. Even though he made a mistake, the fact that I wanted to come back to him proved that it would be impossible to get over him. Would taking this job mean letting him go?

"So what do I do? Do I take the job? Do I stay here? If I take the job what will happen to us? Would we still be able to be together?" I asked frantically, not realizing the words coming out of my mouth.

"Be together? Does that mean that you'll go out with me again?" Anthony asked, but soon letting it go to calm me down. "Callie, you're a great writer and the world deserves to know your name. Take that job, move to New York, and rule the world, because that's what you deserve; the world. Don't let me be the one to drag you down or hold you back, because I love you too much to let myself do that to you. I'll always be here as your number one supporter."

This time, I was the one who leaned in, my lips connecting with Anthony. This kiss was like none of the others. It was our way of coming back to each other. It was our way of saying goodbye to each other. It was sweet, yet passionate. It was as if every emotion we were feeling was poured into our kiss, as if it would be our last one.

"I missed you, Anthony."

• • •

three updates in one day wowzas

i'm sorry to anyone who ships anything else but for me it's been tallie since day one.

this was going to be the last chapter but i decided against it, maybe a couple more chapters then it'll be the end? idk but i'm gonna make the last chapter really long for you guys

•there will be an epilogue
•there will be a sequel


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