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"Don't leave me!" I shouted at Meadow.

The two of us were currently in the airport parking lot. I was sitting on the paved ground, holding onto Meadow's leg trying to stop her from leaving.

"I'm sorry babycakes, I'll miss my flight!" she said sadly.

Huffing, I continued holding onto her leg. She began walking, dragging me along the ground. Her suitcase kept bumping into me, but I wasn't letting go that easily.

"Ow! Meadow stop, these rocks are going to destroy my leggings," I complained.

"You could easily stand up," she offered.

I groaned, standing up from the parking lot ground. The two of us walked to the airport together.

On our way to check in the luggage, Meadow and I passed a Starbucks. We ran in, ordering drinks and cake pops.

Sitting near the window of the tiny restaurant, I sipped on my strawberries and creme frappe. Taking my time, I hoped by being slow we could stay here longer.

Unfortunately, Meadow was in a hurry. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to where the check-in was. Giving the lady her suitcase, we watched it be rolled away, ready to be sent to Columbus.

"I don't want you to leave," I frowned.

"I don't want to leave. We'll see each other soon, though," she smiled.

The two of us kept walking through the huge airport. Too soon, we arrived in front of the security gate. Hugging tightly, we stood in front of the gate for a long five minutes.

"I actually have to go, now," she sighed sadly.

"Goodbye, mango," I cried dramatically, using the nickname I gave her in high school.

When we first met, I was really hungry. She introduced herself as Meadow, but I heard it as mango. The nickname stuck, and that's what I called her.

She called me her babycakes. Once when we were leaning against the lockers, she said our position reminded her of the Bitmoji. Now she always spams me with it.

After saying goodbye once more, I turned back around. Sadly making my way to the parking garage, I walked away, the distance between me and my friend growing larger.

When I was in the parking garage, a group of boys pulled up in the car next to me. They looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw them.

"Do you know Jake Paul?" one of them asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, why?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Poor you!" Another shouted.

All of the boys laughed, running away to the airport. I sighed, unlocking the door to my car. I drove away sadly back to my apartment.

• • •

drama soon yay

the nicknames are inspired by me and my best friend


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