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I woke up the next morning still on a trampoline. Some of the others were still on it too. Last night we watched a bunch of Harry Potter movies. The TV was still on playing Order of the Phoenix. I rubbed my head, which was pounding away. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was currently 8:32am.

I grabbed my backpack and went to the bathroom to get changed. I put on the same clothes that I wore yesterday. When I came back out, some of the boys were awake. They were all on their phones.

"Good morning, Callie," Tristan told me with a smile.

He didn't stay the night. He went back home and still managed to be here so early.

"Hey, I smiled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Anthony must have heard us because he looked up from his phone. He smiled, waving me over to him. "Hey!" He called out.

I walked over to him, plopping down on the couch beside him. I yawned. I placed my backpack on the floor next to me.

"How's your head?" Tony questioned.

"It hurts a lot," I told him honestly.

"I can drive you home, then," he offered.

"It's fine. You wouldn't be able to get back."

"I'll take an Uber. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Fine," I finally gave in.

"Let's go," Anthony said with a cute smile.

Cute? I just met him and I was already thinking he was cute? I shook my head in disbelief, which was a bad idea. I groaned in pain. Anthony was right— I was not fit to drive.

The two of us walked outside to my car parked across the street. I hopped into the passenger seat, tossing my keys to Anthony so he could drive. He adjusted the seat and mirrors, as he was almost twice my size. The two of us drove away in my white Audi A5. The only sound came from the stereo.

I tapped my foot to the beat of the music playing from my phone bluetoothed to my car. Jack and Jack's Falling played. I couldn't help myself, I began singing. Anthony quietly laughed from his seat.

"Do you even know where you're going?" I questioned him. I realized he turned into a road leading the opposite direction of my house.

"Yeah, I'm taking you to the hospital," he explained.

"You don't have to do that," I sighed quietly.

"I don't have to, I want to."

Anthony turned my car into a large parking lot with a larger hospital. He parked in the parking garage. The two of us walked to the door. Once I got checked in, we sat in the waiting room. After about an hour, we got into the room.

I sat down on the uncomfortable white bed covered in paper. My eyes skimmed the blank white walls. The curtains were white, the floors were white, the desk was white— everything seemed to be white.

"This room is really white," I told Tony, looking around.

He nodded in agreement. "I feel like a rainbow in a snowstorm," Anthony said, looking down at his tie-dye Jake Paul merch.

I giggled before a doctor walked into the room. Surprising neither Anthony nor myself, he was wearing a white coat.

"Let me see who we have," the doctor said, looking down at his papers, "Callie O'Neil, is it?"

I nodded, letting him know he was correct. The doctor did his check ups and all that jazz. He would twist my head and it would hurt like crap. However, Anthony let me squeeze his hand whenever I was in pain.

"Well, it appears Callie has a concussion," the doctor told us.

I sighed, groaning under my breath. Anthony chuckled lightly at my reaction, rubbing my back. The doctor continued rambling on about what I could and couldn't do.

Anthony and I left the hospital and headed back to my car. I turned on the GPS and typed in my address so Anthony would know where to go. He sped off.

"Thanks for the ride," I thanked Anthony.

"It was nothing. See you soon?" He asked.

I nodded, heading into my apartment building.

"Remember, no screens," he told me.

"You're not my dad!" I called back, waving once more before heading upstairs.

• • •

but he's your daddy😏

i might make a spam book where i'll just post random crap about my life... idk though

sorry it took so long to update


𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭Where stories live. Discover now