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tristan's pov

Seeing Anthony and Callie constantly flirting kind of hurt. I wanted to get to know Callie better, she was intriguing. It was hard to when Anthony was glued to her side constantly. I sighed, placing my phone in my pocket as I read the two flirt in the chat. No, I didn't like her, but I really wanted to, and I really wanted to get to know her.

"You alright, man?" Alex asked me, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, I was just daydreaming," I told him. Bad mistake.

"About Callie?" Alex chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.

"I- What? No way," I stuttered.

He shook his head, not buying a word of my crap. If I was him, I wouldn't believe myself either. I was a terrible liar.

"Text her outside of the group chat. Make plans to spend time with her. How are you supposed to get your girl if you don't even talk to her, bro?" He explained, giving me a mini pep talk.

I nodded, taking my phone out of my pocket. If course, Tony and Callie were texting away in the group chat. Man, it would really help if they stopped that. I ignored the conversation, clicking the 'new message' button. I typed in Callie's name, clicking her contact.

tristan: hey callie

callie: hi tristan!

tristan: what's up? I feel like we don't talk enough haha

callie: i know right! hmu anytime lol

tristan: will do. anyway, alex last-minute cancelled to go to the movies. i already bought the tickets so wanna go?

I looked at Alex who was smirking. I mouthed a 'thank you,' turning my attention back to my phone.

callie: sure! what movie, if you don't mind me asking

tristan: ofc not. the movie is baywatch

callie: ooh really! i've been dying to see it!!!!

tristan: i guess you're in luck.

I guess I'm in luck.

callie: i guess aha

callie: well i'm working on a paper rn sooo i'm gonna go. see ya soon!

tristan: bye callster!

I put my phone down, a smile on my face. Alex and I high fived.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

• • •

short chapter after a long wait so sorry! i've had three tests in the past few days so i've been studying like crazy then i'm still studying for finals rip. and two unit exams next week!

but soon it's summer (not really 20 more days)

see you all laterrrr


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