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tristan: i'm coming soon

callie: lit, i'm ready!

tristan: i'm so excited

callie: me too

tristan: see you soon

callie: see ya

After a short bit, I heard a knock come from my apartment door. I swung it open, expecting to se Tristan, but instead seeing Anthony.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, shoving him out as he tried to make his way into my apartment.

"Chance and Jake went out of town, the twins are in Spain, Tessa is in Fresno, and I don't know where the others are. I'm bored," Anthony explained.

"Well, Tristan is on his way here, so you need to leave," I huffed.

I went onto my tippy toes, peering behind Tony to see if Tristan was coming. To my luck, he wasn't there. The hallways were deserted.

"What? Why did he get invited but I didn't?" he questioned, crossing his arms.

"We have plans, now shoo!"

He shook his head, walking into my apartment from the doorway. Anthony plopped down on the couch, watching Gilmore Girls, which I had left on. I was watching reruns of episodes with Rory and Tristan (a/n my babiesssss)

"Go in my room, we can hang out when I get home," I sighed, knowing there was no way Anthony would leave.

He nodded, listening to my directions. Anthony headed to my room, shutting the door behind him. I heard the TV in there turn on, followed by the sound of my Xbox turning on. He was probably playing games. Boys would be boys.

After a few more minutes of waiting, another knock came on the door. I opened it to see Tristan's always enthusiastic smile. It was so contagious, I found myself smiling.

"Hey!" Tristan exclaimed.

I grabbed my purse and keys off the table, Tristan and I leaving my apartment quickly. Even though Tony was in there, I still locked the door so Tristan wouldn't suspect anything.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked, starting up a conversation.

Although he wasn't with us anymore, all I could think about was how smoother things were when I talked to Anthony.

"Not bad, you?"

"I'm good."

This was followed by an awkward silence between the two of us. We made our way out to Tristan's car. He opened the passenger side for me and I slid into his car. He got into the driver's seat, starting the car.

"Wanna listen to music?" Tristan asked me.

I nodded as he turned on the stereo. I looked out the window, bobbing my head quietly to the beat of the music. Tristan focused on the road.

"Let's play 20 questions to get to know each other," Tristan suggested.

I nodded. Twenty questions couldn't be hard. It would at least keep a conversation going.

"Any siblings?" He asked, starting off the game.

"A little brother, Matt, and an older brother, Caleb," I told him. "Favourite colour?"

"I like red," Tristan told me. "That's why my merch is red. Do you have a favourite song?"

"I Have Questions by Camila Cabello is currently my favourite. It's so good!" I exclaimed.

"Really? I've never heard of it. I'll have to check it out some time," Tristan chuckled.

I nodded. After more questions, we soon arrived at the movie theatre.

"Let's do this!" Tristan exclaimed as we walked into the Cineplex.

• • •

drama's gonna go down next chapter

are you still in school? i am rip



I have finals all week till next monday so i might not update anytime soon.

but ayeee i got 94% on my english final pretty lit

𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭Where stories live. Discover now