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4 days later...

"Dinner time!" my aunt, Nancy shouted from the dining room.

Briana, Colleen, and I all walked out from their bedroom, heading to the dining room. Briana hesitantly handed me back my phone. Her and Ivan had been texting for about an hour now. They both seemed to hit it off.

We took our seats along one side of the table. Across from us were Caleb, Matt, and Dad. Uncle Sam and Aunt Nancy sat across from each other on either side of the table.

We said grace and then began to eat the meal in front of us. It was mashed potatoes, carrots, and roast. All of us made small talk amongst each other. I mainly just talked to the twins.

Halfway through the dinner, there was a random knock on the door. Uncle Sam and Aunt Nancy both clapped their hands together excitedly.

"Our guest is finally here. You will all be so excited!" Aunt Nancy exclaimed.

She stood up from her seat, walking over to the door. Uncle Sam grabbed another chair and squeezed it into the table, making room for the mystery guest.

As Aunt Nancy and the guest made their way over to the dining room, I instantly flinched. I would recognize that voice anywhere.

Turning around slowly to the sliding doors, I came face to face with none other than the woman who gave birth to me.

Calling her Mom or Mother had always been instinct. It was weird to describe her as "the woman who popped me out of her". Seeing her in front of me, she was a stranger.

There she was, a big, bright smile plastered on her face. She looked just as she did the last time I saw her. She was still wearing the old clothes she used to wear back when I still lived here.

Matt instantly scooted his chair closer to Dad. Caleb looked up at me, fear plastered across his face.

I understood my aunt and uncle taking my mother's side, they were closed with her. It was their opinion and I was forced to respect that. Still, I didn't know what gave them the audacity to bring her here.

"Hi, kids," my mom spoke with a smile.

I returned one, though it was obviously fake. I slowly brought my hand up and waved politely to the woman I once adored and loved.

"Callie, dear? Oh you've gotten so big," she gushed.

She began making her way towards me, about to wrap me in a hug. My dad stood up from the table, obviously not thrilled to see her here, either.

"Keep your hands away from my daughter," he commanded firmly.

My mom took a few steps back, sighing as she took her seat next to my aunt. I fiddled with my fork, no longer having an appetite.

"Please, let me speak, just give me five minutes, Greg," my mom pleaded.

Obviously not happy, my dad sighed before nodding. My mom looked over, glancing at me, then Caleb, then Matt.

"I've gotten better since last time you've seen me. I'm going to therapy. I've even quit drinking! Just let me be your mother again," she spoke to the three of us.

Matt was obviously confused. He was just a baby when we moved to Toronto. It was always just my dad and him. Now this woman wanted to make her way back into his life. I felt bad for him.

"Mom," I sighed, the word feeling unfamiliar as it left my mouth, "I'm twenty-one, and Caleb is twenty-three and already started working a successful job. Don't you think it's too late for you to just come back?"

She blinked a few times, sighing as she listened to me tell her the truth. Matt looked like he wanted to cry, the poor kid looked so scared.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

• • •

that happened

i have so many stories written in my library but unpublished, should i upload them now or after this is finished?

slowly coming towards the end

more drama on the way

new characters on the way



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