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"Wake up losers!" I heard Jake shout into a megaphone.

I groaned, sitting up from my position on the trampoline. My neck hurt, probably because my head was hanging off of the trampoline. Everyone slowly got up as well. I checked the time— 5:17am.

"Why are we up so early?" Chance groaned.

"We're going to Disneyland. You all have until six to get ready. Then we'll hit the road and grab some bagels to eat on the way. Callie, you're coming too!" Jake explained.

This week was spring break, so I had nothing to worry about. I had no papers or assignments due anytime soon. A break from school would be nice.

Tessa and I headed upstairs to her room to get ready. I put on the clothes that I had brought with me. I brushed my short hair, borrowing Tessa's flat iron to straighten it. I did some light makeup. It was 5:40 by the time I was finished.

I headed downstairs to see that Tristan, Alex, and AJ had arrived from their places

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I headed downstairs to see that Tristan, Alex, and AJ had arrived from their places. I greeted them with a smile. Slowly, everyone else trailed into the room. It was 5:54am when we were all ready to go.

We all piled into the Team 10 van. There weren't enough seats so Tessa sat on Chance's lap and Erika on Jake's. Since we were the smallest, AJ and I sat in the trunk. Nick drove us all.

We made a quick pitstop at a small cafe on Melrose Avenue. Nick went in and bought us all bagels, along with the drink of our choice. Since it was already warm, I got an iced coffee. It would help wake me up.

After the food break, we headed onto the highway to go to Anaheim. It was about an hour and a half from West Hollywood, where we were. Most of us decided to sleep because we were all tired.

We finally arrived at Disneyland. (a/n i've never been so please don't hate if i mess anything up) We parked the car and walked over to the entrance. The park was just opening by the time we had gotten there. We all headed in to decide what to do.

"I think we should split into groups and do what we want, then we can meet up for lunch," Nick said.

We all agreed, getting into our groups. One group was the twins, Alex, AJ, and Nick. Another was Chessa and Jerika. The last group was myself, Anthony, and Tristan.

"Let's go on Splash Mountain!" Tristan exclaimed.

We all agreed, running to where it was located. We had express passes  thanks to Jake, so we went in the express line. It was only a few minutes before we were let on.

The boys all forced me to sit at the front. We climbed into the cart, Anthony behind me, followed by Tristan then Kade at the back. The cart went around the water place. It went down a drop and I got drenched in water.

When we came off, we were all covered in water. We came across a little shop that sold hats and ears. I got a pair of ears and the boys got hats that had little ears on them.

We went on more rides together and it was finally time for lunch. We went to Carnation Cafe. I got the Mickey Mouse waffles even though it was already lunch. We all ate and decided to all hang out as a big group.

We decided to go on Space Mountain. I took my seat next to Kade. We sat in the front since he wanted to film the ride. It started going higher and higher. I got scared and reached out for his hand. He held it, chuckling lightly.

The ride went down a drop and I screamed loudly. The picture thingy went off and I instantly knew it would be a bad one. I was right, because when we went to look at the pictures I looked terrible.

We went on some of the smaller rides like A Small World. It was starting to get late but Jake said he got us a hotel. We went on the ferris wheel. I was in a cart with Kade and Tony. I looked out of the cart, taking pictures of the park from up high. I then went on Snapchat, taking pictures and videos with the boys.

When we came out, it was time for fireworks. We gathered near the castle to get a good view. I took out my good camera to take some good quality photos.

The fireworks began and I looked up at them in awe. After a bit, I felt two arms wrap around me. I turned around to see Anthony smiling down at me. I turned back around, looking at the fireworks.

When they were over, the whole group headed to the hotel. I shared a room with Tessa and Erika. We got ready for bed, heading to the beds. I took the futon, the other girls taking the beds.

"I saw the way you and Anthony were looking at each other, girl, spill everything," Erika squealed.

"Okay. Well, we've began getting really close. We've kissed twice so far, but he tried to kiss me one other time, when I had my concussion. Anyway, we've texted each other a lot. When Tristan ditched me when we went to the movies (a/n TRIS IS MY FAVE NO HATE TO HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCH) Anthony came to pick me up. He survived through my family dinner. We kissed that night, actually. That night I had a nightmare and he was there for me. I really, really like him," I sighed happily, almost forgetting the girls were there.

The girls all squealed. We did a group hug, smiling and jumping up and down. I was so lucky to have them in my life.

anthony's pov

Me and the Ohio boys headed up to the hotel room. We spread out, calling dibs on certain beds. As we began getting ready, Chance spoke up.

"What's going on with you and Callie?" he questioned.

"I don't know, man. One minute I think we'll be together any minute, the next I feel like she likes Tristan or Kade. All I know is that I like her. I like her a lot. I just hope she likes me back."

• • •

long time without an update sorry

so now you got to see how callie and anthony feel

idk why but i'm watching bizaardvark lol


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