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"What do I wear?" I asked Alissa, looking through my closet for something that would be appropriate for a party.

"This shirt is cute," Alissa told me.

I tuned around to see her holding a grey shirt. It crossed in the front multiple times. Looking at it, I decided to put it on. I paired the shirt with some black jeans, my black bomber jacket, and some white shoes.

Alissa helped me straighten my hair and do my makeup. By the time we finished getting ready, it was already 8:30. The two of us decided to drive over to the Why Don't We boys house.

Lined up along their street were multiple cars. I found a parking spot that was a decent distance from their house. Parking tightly in between two cars, Alissa and I walked down the sidewalk towards their house.

As we got closer to their house, I could already hear the loud music blasting, shaking the entire neighbourhood. People were scattered throughout their backyard, and I'm sure there were a lot more inside their house.

Alissa and I walked through the front door into their house. It reeked of alcohol. I was confused as to how they got it when they were all underage.

"Callie!" I heard someone say.

Turning around to face the voice, I saw Jonah and Daniel. I smiled at the pair. Both of them were wearing black jeans and white vans. Jonah was wearing a plain black shirt and Daniel was wearing a Guns N' Roses shirt.

"Hey!" I said with a smile.

"Hey," Daniel responded. "Oh Alissa, hi! You know Callie?"

Alissa nodded in response to Daniel's question. "We just met recently, but yeah."

"We just met her too," Jonah told Alissa.

Even though I was upset about everything that happened with Anthony, not all of it was bad. I made some great new friends, all of them kind and funny. I just hoped this wouldn't turn out badly like everything that happened with Anthony.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Daniel asked the two of us.

We nodded, following Daniel and Jonah into their kitchen. There was a large keg, along with drinks on their counter. I wasn't in the mood to drink, all I wanted was a bottle of water.

"What do you guys want?" Jonah asked.

"Just water," I answered, while Alissa told the boys the drink she wanted.

Jonah chuckled at my answer. He opened the fridge up, grabbing a bottle of water and handing it to me. I thanked him and we all walked out back into the living room.

We spotted Logan talking with Jack, Zach, and Corbyn. Our group made our way over to theirs, and we began talking with each other.

"Hey look, it's the Kewl Kidz groupchat!" Zach exclaimed, chuckling.

"There's a groupchat? Wow, I feel excluded," Alissa said, though her tone was playful, not mad.

We continued talking, slightly dancing to the music playing through the large speakers.

"Where's the washroom?" I asked Corbyn, who was closest to me.

"Go down that hall, it's the second room on the left," he directed me.

I thanked him, walking through the sweaty bodies to get to the hallway. As I was walking, my body collided into another. I looked up and saw Erika. Although she did nothing wrong, Erika was best friends with Tessa and I felt as if she would take her side.

"Oh, Callie, hey!" Erika greeted.

"Hi," I said, forcing a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Me and a few of the others decided to check the party out. What about you?" She asked.

"My friends are the ones hosting the party," I explained.

She nodded, and we continued on with a light conversation. After catching up with each other, I went to the washroom, as I planned to do originally.

Once I finished, I washed my hands before walking out. As I made my way from the hallway back to where everyone was dancing, another person ran into me. I needed to stop being so clumsy.

Looking up to apologize to the tall person, my heart started beating faster. It was Anthony, except he looked super drunk, and he had marks all over his neck. I felt my heart shatter into pieces for what felt like the billionth time. Even though I wanted to move on from him, I still wasn't over Anthony.

"Callie!" he slurred, placing his hands around my waist.

"I've gotta go, I have friends waiting for me," I told Anthony.

"I love you, Callie. I'm sorry for everything," Anthony blurted out.

Part of me wanted to believe him, but I knew he was drunk. The scent of alcohol radiated off of him, his eyes were red, his hair a mess.

"You're drunk, Anthony," I sighed.

I didn't want to see him like this. I didn't want the first time he told me he loved me in person to be while he was drunk.

Then he did something I never expected Anthony to ever do again.

He leaned down, kissing me fiercely. Somehow, it was filled with passion, as if he was pouring everything into that kiss.

I also did something I never thought I would do.

I kissed him back.

• • •


I'd like to give a shoutout to these lovely girls:


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