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hey :)


would you like to go on a double date with chessa?

i would have no date to go with


i'm kidding, sure



yeah, we'll pick you up at 8

sounds good

Now that I had plans for the night, I could no longer procrastinate on the paper I was leaving until tonight. It was due tomorrow and I was barely started. I also needed to write the article for the UCLA paper.

I took out my laptop, opening it up to Google Drive. I grabbed my phone, putting it on shuffle while bluetoothing it to my speaker. Once it was hooked up, Understand by Shawn Mendes started playing. I quietly sang along, typing rapidly to get the assignment finished.

At around 5:30 I finished both the article and the paper, both proofread and edited. I submitted both of them to where they had to go.

Before getting ready for tonight, I grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen. I then realized I wasn't sure what we were doing tonight, so I texted Tony.

what's the plan for tonight?

dinner then a surprise that only Chance and I know about

oooh what is it?

it's a surprise

I sighed as he wouldn't tell me what the surprise was. I put my phone on my desk, hopping into the shower. I quickly washed my hair.

Once I was done, I put on a hoodie and leggings as I got ready. I began with my makeup, as that would probably take the longest.

I put on all the stuff (a/n i hate makeup so idk what to say) like foundation, mascara, etc. By the time O was finished, I had managed to do a look that was natural but still nice.

After, I plugged in my curling wand. Piece by piece, I curled strands of my hair. I ran a hand through it, trying to achieve a loose wave look.

Finally I had finished both my hair and makeup. I put on a simple creme-coloured off-the-shoulder dress. I accessorized with a gold bracelet.

By the time I was pleased with my look, it was already 7:30

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By the time I was pleased with my look, it was already 7:30. I didn't realize I took that long to get ready. I sat on the couch, waiting for them to arrive.

It was around 8 when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Anthony dressed up nice for the dinner. I smiled, walking over to him. He immediately pulled me into a hug.

"Wow— you look, just, wow," Anthony said, looking at me.

"You don't clean up bad yourself, Trujillo," I smiled.

I put my hand in his as we walked back out to the parking lot. Tessa and Chance were waiting in front of the complex's door. Anthony opened the door for me, letting me in. I climbed into Tessa's backseat, Anthony following me.

We soon arrived at the Italian restaurant that we would be eating at. Tessa had already made reservations for the group, so we didn't have to wait for a table.

We were shown to our table that was somewhat near the back, so we were out of the way of all the noise. I sat down next to Anthony, across from Chance and Tessa.

A waiter soon came to our table to see what drinks we wanted.

"I'll get a coke," Anthony said.

"I'll have just water," Chance said.

"And for you beautiful ladies?" The waiter asked.

Anthony then wrapped his arm around me, moving closer to me. I noticed Chance do the same, also kissing Tessa on the cheek.

"I'll have an iced tea, please," I told the waiter.

"Same here," Tessa said.

The waiter soon came back with all of the drinks. We ordered all of our food. I got some ravioli.

Soon the waiter arrived with all of our food. We all ate, joking around with each other and making occasional small talk. There were no cameras, no crowds of fans, it was perfect.

Chance and Anthony said that we didn't need to order dessert here, as then we would run out of time for the surprise. We paid the bill and headed out.

Since Tessa had no idea what the surprise was, Chance ended up driving. I looked out the window, watching as we passed certain streets. I was hoping to figure out where we were going, but I had no clue.

Soon, we were on the outskirts of the city. I watched as Chance took an exit, leaving me clueless as to where we were going. The sun was beginning to set, and I still had no idea what we were doing.

We made a turn onto a dirt road. After driving straight for a bit, we arrived at a large field filled with hills. There was even a little stream. Near where we were entering, there was a hot air balloon.

Anthony and Chance led both me and Tessa over to the large air balloon. There was a pilot type dude already in it, I assumed he would be flying it.

We all climbed into the basket, scattering around to watch the sunset. We began lifting off of the ground into the sky. I watched as the hills grew smaller and smaller, the large trees looking like ants. Once it was too hard to notice all the details on the ground, I looked out into the clouds.

The timing was perfect, as the sun was beginning to lower into the horizon. I smiled brightly, looking at the captivating view.

I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. I turned to face Anthony, who was staring out at the view. I turned back around, looking at the view.

After a while of floating in the sky, we had to land the balloon. We landed safely. We all thanked the pilot, soon leaving the balloon.

Anthony pulled me away from the group, leading me to a small path. Once we were out of Chance's and Tessa's sight, he pulled me in for a short but sweet kiss.

"Now let's get you home," Anthony smiled.

We walked back over to where Chance and Tessa were. They saw us come back and we all headed back to the car.

Chance drove again, driving me back home first. I thanked him, saying goodbye to everyone.

"Sweet dreams," Anthony smiled, waving goodbye.

• • •

okay i'm starting another story soon but should it be about shawn mendes or one of the why don't we boys



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