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Family dinners were my favourite part of the week. Every Saturday, my family and I would get together and eat a meal as one. It was good to see them, as I was drifting apart from them due to college. The only downside was dealing with three very loud boys.

jake: where is everyone

tony: with callie

tessa: with my fam

ivan: me too

alex: with bailee

aj: at my house lol

chance: beside you

callie: in my house lol

tristan: at the movies

callie: ...

emilio: ooh what movie?

tristan: baywatch

alex: callie i thought you were seeing that with him

callie: i thought so too..

callie: i gtg

I closed my phone, not wanting to deal with Tristan. Instead, I turned to face Anthony who also seemed to look at his phone in annoyance.

"You ready to go?" I asked him, grabbing my keys from the table.

"Sure," he agreed.

The two of us walked over to my car. I hopped into the driver's seat and Anthony went into the shotgun. I started the car and blasted away.

After a ten minute drive, the two of us arrived in front of my old house where I grew up. I smiled faintly at all the memories that were created in this home.

Slowly, I turned open the door and walked into my house. We both slipped off our shoes, setting them aside. As soon as we walked into the main area of my house, we were greeted by my dog, Rory. She was a golden retriever, just over a year old.

 She was a golden retriever, just over a year old

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"Hi Rory!" I exclaimed, bending down to pet her.

After greeting Rory, Anthony and I walked into my living room where my brothers currently were. Matt was playing the Xbox and Caleb was reading a book.

"Antisocial freaks," I teased the two who were right beside each other, yet weren't even communicating.

"Callie!" my little brother, Matt exclaimed.

He ran to me, wrapping his little arms around my waist. I picked him up, spinning him around, ruffling his hair.

"Hey bud," I greeted.

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