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callie's pov

I was currently at the Team 10 house. We were all in the backyard having a campfire. AJ was singing classic campfire songs, everyone else singing and dancing along, and making s'mores.

I finished roasting my marshmallow and grabbed crackers and a piece of chocolate. I formed my sandwich and took a big bite. The gooey marshmallow came out the other end and started spilled. I groaned, Anthony laughing at me.

"We should play Random Spin Kiss Wheel," Jake announced as we all finished our s'mores.

"No thanks," Erika said, shaking her head.

"What's that," I questioned.

"You spin a wheel and kiss whoever's name it lands on," Ivan explained.

"We're playing, it's final," Jake told us all.

Everyone walked back inside the house. Jake wrote everyone's names on the wheel and filled in the blank spots with pass and your choice.

"Sorry, but I'm not playing. I don't want to cheat on Bailee," Alex said.

"I'll spin first," Chance exclaimed, walking over to the wheel.

He spun and we watched as it went around and around multiple times. After a while, the pointer landed on Tessa's name. Chance smirked, walking over to Tessa. He leaned in and the two of them kissed. All the boys shouted things like 'ohhhh' and 'get some!' The two pulled away and Tessa was blushing.

"My turn!" Tristan shouted.

Not going to lie, I wouldn't mind if the wheel landed on my name. Tristan and I began talking more and we were getting close. We were going to the movies in a few days, which I was excited about. Both Anthony and Tristan were amazing guys.

"Oh man!" Tristan whined.

I looked over to see the wheel had landed on Ivan's name. The two looked at each other in playful disgust. They both leaned in slowly, their lips touching just slightly before they pulled away. Jake held his camera up to their faces.

"Callie should spin," Jake suggested.

"What? Why me?" I asked.

"There's only you and Tessa for girls, so there's less of a chance of us bros kissing each other."

I shrugged, walking over to the wheel. I knew I would eventually have to spin it, so I may as well go now. I spun the wheel, watching it pass through all the names. The wheel spun slower and slower, before finally coming to a spot. I read the name written in black marker.


I walked over to him slowly. He placed his hand on my cheek, being gentle. Anthony guided my face to his, placing a finger on my chin. I slowly closed my eyes. Finally, our lips met. I could feel sparks exploding. Slowly, I pulled away, even though I didn't want to. I looked up at him and he smiled shyly.

I could not believe that happened. I think I was starting to really like Anthony.

• • •

i feel so bad always leaving you guys with super short chapters. i don't want to do too much but i feel like my chapters are too little?



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