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"Babe is here!" Anthony shouted as I walked into the Team 10 house.

It had been a month since he asked me out and things were amazing. He was an absolute sweetheart, I was graduating college in a month, and my Youtube channel was growing a lot. Things couldn't have been better.

"Hey cutie," I smiled, kissing Anthony quickly.

"Wanna go play video games?" he asked me.

I nodded in agreement. We walked upstairs to the ratchet room. I sat down beside him. He wrapped an arm around my waist, kissing me on the cheek.

"Here you go," Anthony smiled, handing me a remote.

"I don't know how to play," I lied, to make him think I was bad.

"Let me help you," he said, walking over to behind me.

He wrapped his arms around me, placing his hands on top of mine to control them. He showed me all the controls and what they did. Little did he know that I played video games with Matt all the time.

"Then you use this button to shoot," he finished explaining. "Now you try against me."

"Like this?" I questioned.

I pulled out all the best moves I had, killing Anthony's player quickly. He turned around, looking at me in shock.

"Wow, I'm a good teacher!" Anthony exclaimed.

"I think you did a terrible job. I play this with my brother," I told him.

"Way to burst my bubble," he sighed:

"I'm sorry," I smiled.

I leaned down and kissed him lightly to apologize. He smiled into the kiss, causing me to smile as well.

"I can't stay mad at a face like that," he grinned.

"Ew, PDA!" Jake screamed as he walked into the room.

"Look who's talking," Anthony smirked.

"We're going to the beach, Callie, you coming?" Jake asked.

I nodded. "Sure, if it's fine with you."

Jake nodded. I said bye to Anthony and walked out of the ratchet room. I walked to Tessa's room so we could get ready. I walked into the bathroom, putting on the bathing suit I had brought. I brought one every time in case we went into the pool. I slipped my clothes I was wearing back on top.

I walked downstairs to see the guys waiting around the door. Tessa and Erika soon came out. Once we were all ready, we piled into the minibus.

"I spy with my little eye," Chance began speaking, "something that is blue."

"The sky?"

"Alex's eyes?"

"My personality?"

"I'm blue, da ba dee, da ba die," Anthony sang.

"Erika's nails?" I guessed.

"Correct!" Chance exclaimed. "Your turn."

I looked around the city streets that we drove through. I wanted to pick a unique object, but still easy to guess. We stopped at a red light. I would use that. I wasn't sure if it was too obvious.

"I spy with my little eye— something that is red."

"That lambo?" Jake guessed.

"Tristan's hoodie?"

"Buy it!," Tristan said to Jake's camera.

"The red light," Anthony guessed.

"You're right."

We continued playing I-spy the rest of the car ride. Soon we arrived at Santa Monica. We all got out of the car and began exploring the boardwalk.

After walking around for a bit, we headed down to the beach to take some photos. Jessica had met up with us, so she would take the pictures.

We all changed into our swimsuits for the photos. We took some group ones, then they took pictures with just Team 10. While they did that, I chilled with Ray.

After, Anthony and I took some photos. We took one of me kissing his cheek, one of him carrying me bridal style, and Anthony surprised me and kissed me in one of the photos.

I also took some pictures with Tessa and Erika. They were super cute and I was going to post them on Instagram.

After taking all the pictures, we just chilled on the beach for the day. It was super fun and I loved hanging out with Team 10. They were like a second family.

As I was tanning with the girls, I heard footsteps approach us. I saw a few teenage girls with their phones out.

"Hi Callie! We're huge fans. Can we have a photo?" One of them asked.

I nodded. This was the first time anyone had approached me in public. I couldn't help but smile. I took photos with all of the girls.

Finally, we all drove back home. The day was honestly amazing and I couldn't imagine anything better.

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