Evil As They Come

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Trey's POV

I sat on the edge of my Mom's bed with my head in my hands waiting for her to wake up from her nap.

Ms. A: what is it Tremaine?

Trey: I thought you were sleep Mama.

Ms. A: I'm was until I felt the bed sink when you sat down at the edge.

I sat there quiet for a minute before she sat up and looked at me.

Ms. A: is something wrong Tremaine?

Trey: why didn't you tell me you had a stroke Mama?

She sat there and sighed.

Ms. A: Tremaine, I had Mel to call your father when it happened to tell you so you could get a plane out to see me but things didn't go as planned.


*phone rings*

Vivian: hello this is Mrs. Neverson speaking.

Mel: Hello Mrs. Neverson. This is Melvin Jackson. I'm Trey's stepfather.

Her face changes.

Vivian: what can I do for you Mr. Jackson.

Mel: I was calling to tell Tremaine that his mother was in the hospital. She just had a stroke and I know he would want to know how she is doing and everything. Maybe he could get a plane out to see her.

Vivian: well Mr. Jackson, Tremaine is not here right now, but if you give me the hospital she is in and everything I'll make sure to tell him.

Writes down information as Blair walks in from work.

Vivian: okay, thank you . I'll make sure to tell him. Bye Bye.

*hangs up the phone*

Blair: was that for me?

Vivian: no it was for Trey. His step-father called to say that Trey's mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I have the information and everything.

Blair: you know what I have to go and take Tremaine some dinner at the studio. I'll take him the message.

Vivian: okay honey. If you need me I'll be upstairs.

She walks upstairs as Blair looks at the message, crumbles it up, and throws it in the trash. Picks up the phone and calls Mel back.

Mel: hello.

Blair: Is this Melvin Jackson?

Mel: yes it is. Is this Mr. Blair Neverson?

Blair: it is. I heard that you called my house tell my wife to give my son a meassage about his mother.

Mel: that is correct Mr. Neverson. His mother is in-

Blair: Look her Melvin, that boy doesn't need any distractions right now. Especially with him trying to put out an album and go to school. He doing it all on my dime. I understand that this is serious but his future is more important to me than my ex-wife's condition If it shall worsen than you call back and I don't know maybe we'll send flowers. Now have a good day.

Mel: You son of a bitch.


Blair: less distractions the better.

End of Flashback

I sat there with my blood boiling. I can't believe he did some shit like that. I knew he was evil but I didn't know he was that damn evil.

Trey: Mama I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Had I known I would've been right by your side. He had no right to do you that way. I'm starting to see the reason what Liyah is talking about.

She took my hands into hers.

Ms. A: Though I don't agree with what he did Tremaine, remember that he is still your father. That is something you can't change baby. I don't regret being with him because if I did that mean I regret having you which is something I don' t regret at all.

Trey: He'll get his Mama. *thinks to hisself for a minute before kissing her forehead and standing up* I'm going to order pizza, wings, and pasta for the kids. Do you want me to get you something different?

Ms. A: I made me and Mel a big bowl of grilled chicken salad last night. Plus I have some turkey burgers downstairs. Mel will just bake them in the oven and we'll eat that. Get that food for you brothers and sister. It's been a while since I order them pizza.

I nodded, hugged her, told her I was spending the night with Aaliyah, before walking out her bedroom. When I got downstairs, I saw my siblings on the couch playing the Kinect but I didn't see Liyah. Nikki must of seen me looking because she pointed towards the kitchen and I walked that way to hear Liyah on the phone. When I got closer, I realize it was Poison talking on the phone.

Poison: You mean to tell me Neverson had that removed from her records? I swear I'm going to kill that man my damn self. He covered up his tracks just so I or Trey wouldn't find out. You know what. I'll be back on Tuesday to handle this. It's time for Neverson to see what I can do with the power I have. Yes, I'm bringing Trey back with me.

Her voice softens so Liyah must be back.

Liyah: he doesn't know it yet but I'm looking for one as we speak. I know....I know Toya. Believe me I brought plenty of condoms for that. I love Tremaine but I'm not ready to have his babies just yet. Lol, trust and believe I have back up pills. Girl....he doesn't know what is going to happen tonight. I brought my whips and handcuffs.

Whips and handcuffs? The HELL???

Liyah: I'll talk to you later Toya. Okay...love ya too girl. Bye bye.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

Trey: whips and handcuffs?

Liyah: Tremaine, you don't know what all Poison has planned for you and Trigga.

Trey: why don't you tell me?

Liyah: then it wouldn't be any fun.

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