My Son

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Trey's POV

I watched through the window as they work on Liyah. We got her to the hospital for them to take her into the back. The pitocin did actually induce her labor. Our son was being born a month early. I'm afraid for her and him. I watched as they continued to perform the c-section.

Mama April: She and he are going to be fine baby. Have faith.

Trey: I should've came home earlier. None of this would've happened if-

Mama April: baby there is nothing more you could've done. Everything is going to be okay. She's a tough woman.

I nodded as I turned back to see the doctor pulling out the baby. He have out a high pitch cry as I let a tear roll down my cheek. My son is here. He looks small. They took him away to clean him up before closing the curtains to the window we were looking through.

Mama April: Your first born is here baby. Liyah is going to be fine. *she rubbed my back as I nodded my head praying she would.*

About two hours later the doctor came out to me and the crew.

Doc: Well Ms. Haughton is in stable condition. The baby is healthy as well. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz. 20 inches long.

Trey: when can I see them?

Doc: you can see them both now. Please five people at a time.

I walked down the hall after the doctor with my mom, Mel, and Liyah's parents trailing behind me. We walked in to see Liyah hooked up to a machine looking so peaceful. I lightly pecked her lips three times. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. A smile slowly crept across her face.

Liyah: Hey baby.

Trey: hey baby. If you ever scare me that way again, I'm going to beat your behind lol.

She giggled before looking down at her stomach.

Trey: he's fine baby. They're going to bring him in.

Liyah: he's healthy baby?

Trey: yes baby. He's small but healthy.

So on the nurse brought him in. She put him in Liyah's arms. He yawned and looked at us.

Liyah: *tears fall* hey there baby boy. Mommy and Daddy are glad that you're okay even though you came a little early. *kisses his forehead*

I wrapped my arm around her and kissed his cheek as he laughed.

Trey: got my laugh I see.

Liyah: hopefully he'll have your charm.

We passed him around letting everyone hold him. I held him talking to him.

Trey: so....I wanted to make you a junior but your mama is not having that. So... how about Brayden?

Liyah: Lol, I like Brayden it sounds cute. .

Trey: speaking of that.....The reason I was late because I was picking up something for you Aaliyah. Mel, can you look in my jacket and give it to me. *he pulled it out and handed it to me. I gave Brayden to him as I got down on one knee while everyone gasps. Liyah stared at me with a shocked expression.

Trey: I know we've only been together a little over a year, but I believe we are ready for this step. you have brought so much happiness to my life. I'm in love with you. you're my best friend, the mother of my child, and I want to make you my wife. Aaliyah, will you marry me? *opens the box to show the *

Liyah: Yes!!! Yes, I'll marry you Tremaine. * I stood up, slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her lips*

Trey: this day will forever have a double meaning for us baby.

Liyah: yes it will baby.

Trey: the birth of our son and the day we got engaged. I'm the happiest man in the world.

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