The Truth

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Liyah's POV

I opened my eyes as the sun came through the curtains of the window. I stretched a little and tried to get up just to realize I wasn't going anywhere. Trey had a tight grip around my waist. I tried to move and again and his grip got tighter. I giggled at what he was trying to do.

Liyah: lol, baby I was going to run us a bath.

Trey: *whines* nooooo, I don't want to get up yet. Liyah, can we just lay in bed all day?

Liyah: Lol, no we can't baby. We have to shower, get dressed, eat, and go see Dr. C.

Trey: *pouts* But I just want to lay here and hold you while I run my fingers through your hair.

Liyah: I know baby. I just want to lay here and kiss you all day.

Trey: so let's do that. *starts kissing my neck making me moan*.

Liyah: Treeeeeeey. Don't start something.

Trey: I want to baby....*right when he was about to further my phone went off* Lol, talk about great timing.

I picked it up and automatically hit the speaker button.

Dr. C: Good Morning you two.

Both: Good Morning Dr. C.

Dr. C: I hope you tow slept well.

Liyah: we did actually. Thank you for the room Dr. C. This place is amazing.

Dr. C: no problem. I'm glad you both enjoyed it. Now let me cut straight to the chase. Today is going to be the day you both are going to face some reality. I'm just giving you guys a heads up. TOday is going to be difficult but you both are going to use what you've been taught this weekend to get through it together. Now eat some breakfast and I say about two and a half hours from now be here at my office. Casual dress. See you both then. *hangs up*

Liyah: Okay you heard Dr. C baby.

Trey: can we get a quickie in?

LIyah: baby, when have we ever did a quickie?

Trey: lol, you're right. *Watches him get out of bed with his hard dick*

Liyah: but.....there's a first time for everything.

3 hours later.....

We walked hand in hand into Dr. C's office. We were thirty minutes late of course, but something tells me Dr. C would understand. When we walked in our bucked.

Mama: Good Morning Liyah. Good Morning Tremaine.


We looked at Dr. C who was sitting behind her desk looking at us.

Dr. C: let's begin shall we.

Trey's POV

Ummm. yeah this is not going to end well.

Dr. C: please, have a seat both of you.

We sat down as she reached across her desk to get her glasses I noticed the huge that was now on her ring finger.

Trey: Congrats.

Liyah looked at what I was looking at and smiled.

Liyah: awww, you're engaged.

Dr. C gave us a huge smile before placing her glasses on her face.

Dr. C: thank you. He surprised me this weekend.

Liyah: If you don't long have the both of you been together.

Dr. C: Six years.

Mama: that's a fairly long time.

Dr. C: well, he asked me two years ago but I told him no because I had just opened my practice. Anyways, enough about me. Liyah....Trey. You're probably wondering why I asked your parents to attend this session. Well, I believe each has played a small part in why you each have the issues you do. So I asked both of them to be honest with you about any question you ask them.

Trey: okay, first question "father." Why did you really keep the letters and please save the lies for Vivian.

Neverson: .....because you deserve than her. I mean she probably stuffs the cars she sells with drugs just like her father.

Liyah stirred in her seat but kept her cool.

Liyah: *calmly talks* please watch your mouth when it comes to my Dad. He wasn't a saint but he was more of a man than you are.

Neverson: *laughs* yeah a dead man.

Mama: I believe you better watch yourself Blair.

Neverson: I'll say what I please. You Know I don't know why I'm here. This session is pointless because you two aren't going to last.

Trey and you are a master of relationships father. You slept with my girlfriend.

Neverson: Son, she came onto me...

Trey: you could've said no. First, you cheat on my mom with some lady that use to babysit me. You left us to struggle with no child support or anything to be with Vivian's ass. Then you move me to Calif with you and the evil bitch. Keep the truth about my mom's health a secret, sleep with my girlfriend at the time, athen bargain me away because you were behind on payments trying to keep up your lavish lifestyle for your friends. You are one evil bastard.

Neverson: Evil. After all I done for you. I did what any father would do...I-

I started to clap my hands.

Trey: nice performance. You should've been an actor. Anyways, no harm no foul. I'm over it and I'm done with you. I have an amazing woman, I reconnected with my mom and siblings, I'll graduate in May with a great degree, I'm pursuing on my music career again, and I'm finally happy.

Neverson: You're making a mistake son.

Trey: No you are. Anyways, I'm done talking.

Neverson: *looks at Liyah* This is your fault. Had you just left him alone he would've been fine. I'm glad I did what I did. You're father was a sneaky son of a bitch who took what I wanted. *looks at Liyah's mom* I hope he's rotting in hell like he should. I'm actually glad I planted the drugs in his jet. *I clenched my jaw but I kept calm* Yeah, I did it. I planted them. I was the one who introduced him to his contacts, I helped set up the deals, and he repays me by taking what was suppose to be mine. I had to settle for her best friend. We see how that turned out. Finally, I moved to Cali and made a name for myself only for him to come and steal my shine again. I couldn't have him doing it again. I wanted to see him suffer. I slowly set him up. I mean one bad deal here a bad deal there. Finally, I took him down. The final nail in the coffin came when I watched him die in your arms. I was complete.

We all sat there shocked and this sick asshole.

Mama: what goes around comes back around Blair.

Neverson: *laughs* it hasn't' yet. *turns towards me* I'll see you around son.

With that he left. Dr. C finally stopped writing.

Dr. C: how do you feel Trey?

Trey: glad he finally told the truth for once. I mean I never knew how evil he was. Apparently, he's been this way all my life and he just painted a different picture for me.

Dr. C wrote something down before nodding.

Dr. C: what about you Liyah?

Liyah: relieve that I finally know some of the truth. I'm also hurt and angry at the same time but I'm sitting next to two people he will help me through it.

After speaking she leaned her head on her shoulder as her mom rubbed her back as the silent tears came down her face.

Dr. C: it's okay to let your emotions out. That's the good thing about being human.

Liyah laughed as I wiped her tears.

Liyah: yeah, I'm beginning to learn that. Mama can I ask you something?

Mma: of course baby.

Liyah: did you and Neverson had a relationship before daddy?

Mama: *laughs* Hell no. No offense Tremaine.

Trey: none taken Mama.

She smiled as I called her Mama. She turned back towards Liyah.

Mama: Blair, tried to pursue me but I could see right through his act. He wanted the power my family possessed. I tried to tell him I wasn't' interested but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Of course, your father came into my life and things were different. He fail to tell me that him and Blair were best friends since they were kids. I didn't find this out until the rehearsal dinner. Blair, put on the supportive best friend front and I fell for it. He started to show interest towards April and I thought he had changed his ways. Like you said Tremaine, he should've got an award for acting.

Liyah: but mama. What power did your family possess.

I watched Mama's eyes turned a black. Did they really just do that?

Mama: I guess it's time for me to tell you the truth Aaliyah.

Liyah: the truth about what mama?

Mama: Aaliyah, you're not the original.

Liyah: what?

Mama: Aaliyah, your nickname didn't come about just by chance. Your father gave it to you after me. You're not the original Poison Aaliyah. I am.

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