Chapter 1

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Being a new student in a new school isn't as hard as people say it is. Especially, if this was your 4th time moving and if you don't make any friends. Hey, no friends means no drama. 

 Although we moved to New York from Chicago two weeks ago, I still couldn't get used to being here. It's fucking 20 degrees outside! When my mom told me that we were moving here, I detested every minute packing and driving to the state. 

She said that we needed to leave AGAIN and of all places, my mother chose New York, the one place in all of America that has too many people. We could've gone to California, for pete's sake! But because of financial problems, we are stuck with New York. Plus it's closer and I'm pretty sure that my mom doesn't want to drive 2,137.8 miles to California. 

"I know that look, Ivy. Stop it", my mother said as she turned her 1957 Nash Cosmopolitan into the high school that I was now enrolled in.

"Stop what, mother? I am just glaring at the window, hoping to evaporate and go back to Chicago."

My mom stopped the car in front of the school's steps and sighed, turning her body to face me.

"You know we didn't have a choice. He's still out there looking for us. This is for our own good and I heard Lincoln High is the safest school"

I scoffed and grabbed my bag before exiting the car. I heard my mother sigh before muttering an 'I love you', and driving back home. I rolled my brown eyes as I walked up the steps and stepped inside the school, the school warmth enveloping my body. 

I took a small glance around the halls of the school and I immediately hated what I was seeing. There were people in their small groups of friends or cliques , talking in hushed tones, each very different than the other.

"So it's one of those schools", I mumbled to myself before making my way to the front office.

After what seemed like forever, I stepped out of the office to find my first class. I stuffed the books and my locker number into my bag, not caring if they got smushed. I took one look at my schedule and began my search for my class. I walked mindlessly in the hall and constantly checking the classroom numbers. As I approached the 5th classroom, I felt a presence behind me and a small snicker.

"Need some help there, gorgeous?", a deep voice said behind me and I reluctantly turned around to see a boy with dark brown, "messy" curls and blue eyes with a small smirk on his lips. 

It didn't take me long to figure out what type of guy he was. Typical jock with the ego the size of  Jupiter. The glares that I was receiving from the group of girls that were behind him gave also made it pretty obvious, so I turned away to proceed my lost cause of finding my class. 

But apparently, this guy doesn't get the fucking hint that I don't want to talk to him. Because I feel him pull me back the collar of my shirt and in doing that,  he yanks my schedule out of my hand. Now most girls would turn around and jump and down to grab it back. But you see, I have a really bad temper and I already woke up feeling like shit today. This annoying asshole is just making it worse for him. 

So I did what any other normal sane person would do in this situation. I elbowed him in the gut, knocking the wind out his body. I could hear the gasps of everyone in the hallway as he hunched over in pain. But I didn't give a fuck. I grabbed my schedule before pushing that fucker away from me. 

"Don't touch my shit and leave me alone, asshole", I said and walked away to first period. 

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