Chapter 25

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A/N: Yeah... I have no excuse.. So enjoy!


Werewolf? You have to be joking.

I looked at Dylan confused before bursting out laughing. Dylan's smile slowly faded as I laughed. He puffed up his cheeks before shouting, "It's true! I'm a werewolf!"

I calmed down from my laughing fit and shook my head with a smile. Dylan tried putting on a serious face but it looked more cute than intimidating.

Eh, why not play along for a bit?

"I'm sorry, Dylan. How exactly are you a werwolf?", I asked, trying to sound like I believed him. Dylan smiled and was about to say more until a voice interrupted him.

"Dylan! Come on honey let's go to the park", Layla said as she opened the door. Dylan gave Layla a pout before looking back at me. "Can Ivy come?", he asked his mom with hope in his eyes. Before Layla could even respond, a certain asshole stuck his head out of the door way.

"Sorry, bud. I need to steal Ivy away", Alex said as he pushed the door even more open. Dylan gives the two people in the doorway an even bigger pout and gets up, begrudgingly. He walks over to Layla and she grabs his hand before disappearing in the hallway.

I sigh before glaring at Alex again. He was now leaning against the door, arms crossed and he raised his eyebrow at me. He nudged his head to the right, telling me to follow him. 

I rolled my eyes and got up from Dylan's bed as he left the doorway. I started to follow him out the house and into the backyard where a huge forest stood. I thought we would stop there, but he kept going. 


What? Let you run? Aren't you my conscious?


"We can stop here. I want to talk to you", Alex's voice took me away from my own thoughts and I realized that we were now surrounded by trees and nature. 

If this dickhead wants to talk, then he's going to have to work harder than that.

"Angel, please? It's killing me", he said. When I didn't answer, Alex grabs my wrist and pushes me against a tree. He pinned both my hands to the tree to make sure I wasn't going to push him away. 

"It seems like the only way I get to talk to you is if I pin you against something, Angel", he said, his voice deeper than before. I glared hard at him and Alex let out a forced laugh before continuing, "Let's cut to the chase. Why are you avoiding me, Angel? Is it because I'm too sexy for you?"

Oh please shut up you asshole.

Shut up. You know that he's sexy.

You again?

Bitch, I never left

What the hell?

"Angel, when are you going to stop spacing out?"


Alex's grip tightened on my wrist and my eyes widened in shock. All of a sudden, Alex and the forest was no longer in front of me. Instead, my father took his place. His bloodthirsty and angry eyes, that evil smile, and the blood. I was back at my 'home'.

No you're playing games on yourself, Ivy! It's not real!

Then why is he here?

It's an illusion!


It's my reality

Her voice started to fade away and my eyes focused on the horror in front of me. Images were flashing through my eyes and I felt my body and body shut down.


"Angel?", Alex looked at Ivy in confusion as he saw her body tense up at his tight grip. Her body frozen, she looked at him with fear. But the thing was, Alex knew that it wasn't him that she was afraid of. It was someone else.

Her breathing come out uneven as she started to hyperventilate . Alex instantly pulled his hand away and backed up slightly to see if that would do anything, but no progress.

He went to reach for her and her petrified eyes widened, instantly smacking his hand away in a violent manner. Her eyes flashed gold and Alex knew that her wolf had taken over.

Alex sent a mind link to Damon and Brandon, telling them to get their asses to where they were. It was her first time shifting and when a wolf shifts for the first time, they have no control as to what happens. Alex knew by experience.

Hearing a growl snapped him out of the mind link and Alex felt his body being pushed to the ground. As he groaned in pain, the beautiful wolf on top had him pinned and was baring her teeth. Her gold eyes narrowed at Alex as if she was questioning if he was a threat.

Who are you?!

Say something, you fool!

He heard his mate say. His wolf, Elias, let out a howl and was begging to let him take over. He was eager to meet his mate and wanted to comfort her, but Alex kept control and told him no. Elias let out a whimper and Alex grunted before letting him through.

"Angel, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you"

The wolf's golden eyes seemed to soften a little. Upon hearing her mate's voice had calmed her, but she had to be on guard. She had to protect both of them.

Who are you?

My name's Elias. I won't hurt you.


Angel, I would never hurt you. You're my mate.


Yes, my mate.

Hearing the word "mate" come out of Alex's mouth made both him and Ivy freeze. He couldn't believe that Elias made him say that Ivy was his mate. He instantaneously wanted to take over again and push Elias out of the way, but his wolf was determined.

Her wolf stared at their so called "mate's" eyes and felt as if a huge weight has been take off their shoulders. She considered getting off of him, but the fear of Ivy's father was still in their mind. She snarled and Alex/Elias realized that nothing was going to convince their mate, no matter what "excuse" he said. Both Ivy and her wolf were blinded by something that Alex/Elias couldn't help but wonder. 

So against Elias's judgment, Alex pushed Ivy off. She was thrown to the ground, but she shook off the pain and snarled, her pupils becoming more dilated in anger and bloodlust. Alex and Ivy both stood their ground and were waiting for the other to make a move. 

Angel, Please stand down. 


I won't hurt you!


The wolf let out a bark before leaping towards Alex, but was instead pushed the side. When she recovered, she saw Damon and Brandon getting ready to defend their Alpha. The wolf saw that she was out numbered. 

It all happened too fast. Damon was suddenly thrown out of the way and Ivy was no longer in sight. 

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