Chapter 19

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The blinding light from the windows had caused me to wake up. But being the stubborn bitch I am, I kept my eyes closed refusing to get up.

I snuggled in my pillow even more and let out a small sigh.

Man, this pillow is hard!

Why is it moving?

Wait... pillows don't move..

My eyes opened once I heard a small snore underneath me. I immediately lifted my head up to see who I was lying on and my jaw dropped to the floor.

Alex was underneath me, dead asleep.


The blanket barely covered half of his body and might I say, damn! Because his v-neck was scrunched up and showed his sculpted V-line and abs. His right arm was wrapped around my waist and held me close to his chest while his left was tucked under his head as a makeshift pillow.

His brown hair was messy and disheveled and I tried fighting the temptation to run my fingers through it. He had his mouth open slightly and quiet snores were coming out.

Damn, if I wasn't freaking out, I would be in awe over how freaking adorable he looked right now.

But now's not the time, Ivy!

I looked around my surroundings and I recognized nothing. I was in a room that had cream-colored walls and a few pictures. I looked to my left and saw a small drawer with a small vase of snowdrops.

Nate used to give me snowdrops...

I felt a small movement from under me and my eyes went back to Alex. He was wide awake and his eyes were open. Once again, they were yellow instead of brown. Not to mention he was staring right at me and I stared back, not knowing what to say.

I thought Alex would move his hand away from my waist once he was awake, but nope. Instead, he kept it there and brought me even closer.

"U-Um" I stuttered. Alex's yellow eyes looked from my eyes to my lips and I felt my legs go weak. He stared at my lips before licking his bottom lip and biting it.

Holy fuck. Not again!!

I don't know what came over me, but I moved closer in his touch. As if I was drawn by him. His gaze snapped back to my eyes in response of my small effort. In his eyes, I saw desire. His pupils grew bigger and his grip on my waist had tightened, almost possessively.

My chest was pressed against his and I could feel his heartbeat quicken. Alex moved his face closer to mine and our lips were centimeters from touching.

"Glad to see you two lovebirds are awake," a voice called from behind us. 

I came to my senses and tried pulling away from Alex. But I ended up falling off the bed, pulling the blanket along with me. 

I fell with a thud and I sat up, looking around to see who said that. There in the doorway, stood Brandon, Damon, and a girl I've never seen before in my life.

She had blond hair and brown eyes and she looked familiar.

"We weren't doing anything, Kass," a cold voice said behind me.

I turned to see Alex standing up from the bed. He had an unreadable look on his face, but you could tell that he was angry by his eyes, which now turned back their original color. He looked down at me, giving me a cold looked walked out of the room, roughly brushing his shoulder against the girl he called Kass. Brandon and Damon followed him out of the room.

Ha. Minions.

She rolled her eyes at him before she turned to face me. Kass had a friendly smile on her face and sat next to me on the floor.

"Sorry about him, he's such a party-pooper," she said.

"I know. What crawled up his ass?" I inquired out loud. The girl looked at me in pure shock, but then laughed.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Kassidy," she said in between giggles. She stuck out her hand, and I shook it.

"Ivy," I replied with a smile. 

"Yeah, I know. You're the big gossip in the house," 

"Well, look at that! I'm famous for once!"

We both laughed. Just then, I felt my stomach rumble, and I knew it was feeding time.

"I'm sorry, but do you guys have food?" I asked sheepishly. Kassidy smiled and nodded before getting up.

"Yeah. I'll get you a pair of clothes first because you might want to cover up", 

I looked down, and I thought I would die of embarrassment. I was wearing a huge button-up shirt and it fell just above my calfs. It barely covered my freaking butt! I looked over at Kassidy and we both shared a look before laughing.

Her from humor, mine from embarrassment. She pretended to wipe fake tears and left the room to go get me some clothes. 

"You know, Ivy. I think you and I will be great friends", she called out from behind. 

I couldn't agree more


She came back after a few minutes with a cute grey shirt that said, "All I Need is Wifi, Food, My Bed" with a pair of black leggings. I thanked her and asked her to show me where the bathroom was. After I took a nice warm shower, I quickly dried off and put on the outfit before putting my hair in a high ponytail.

I came out of the bedroom and saw Kassidy grinning like a madwoman, before shouting," Damn! If I swung the other way, I would hit that". I laughed before following Kassidy downstairs to reunite with my one true love: Food!

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